“Writing is about finding true freedom,” believes Alice Taglioni, who is publishing her first book, “A Living Dad.”

Every day a personality invites themselves into the world of Élodie Suigo. Tuesday, January 9, 2024: Actress and author Alice Taglioni. She has just released “A Living Papa” with Robert Laffont and will be on stage in the play “Vel’d’Hiv” ​​at the Théâtre Antoine in Paris from January 10th.


Reading time: 19 minutes

Alice Taglioni, actress and author.  (France info)

Alice Taglioni is one of the great female characters of French cinema. Her roles as ideal women made her known to the general public, especially through her characters in films Lies, betrayal and more when affinities… by Laurent Tirard in 2004 et Coating by Francis Veber (2006). Cinema quickly became a passion, leading him to turn away from his childhood dream of becoming a pianist. There is a lot of news around her, a book, A living father, edited by Robert Laffont, and the piece Vel’d Hiv at the Théâtre Antoine, in Paris, from January 10th.

franceinfo: We knew you as an actress, but not as an author. Was writing necessary for you?

Alice Taglioni: It came to light, but very late. It’s a means of expression that I didn’t know. Let’s say it’s a way of expressing things that are ultimately very intimate, even very intimate, and not being able to hide but finding real freedom, that’s almost a discovery for me too.

Through this book we discover who you are deep inside. They tell of the catastrophic absence of a comrade who left too soon, the father of an eight-month-old little boy. Absence digs a gaping hole that is difficult to describe in words. And yet there is a rightness in those you find. We feel that it is also an outstretched hand for everyone who feels the same way. Was that also the goal of this book?

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I admit, when I wrote it, it was one of the first things that came to mind and that also gave me freedom. I think I’m a rather modest person who doesn’t want to break free or give in.

“I allowed myself to write things by saying to myself: If it can only help people who are unlucky, in pain, and faced with something they can’t seem to live with, then we have to do it.”

Alice Taglioni

at franceinfo

There is also the theater Vel’d Hiv. In this piece, you become the voice of these Jewish women who were rounded up and deported on July 16, 1942. 13 000 people were arrested, a third of whom were children. How can you absorb so much suffering in one role?

It’s strange to say, but in these cases I don’t feel like an actress. I don’t perform and it’s very, very painful. There is something incredible about these testimonies. There is this desire to live and almost this way of writing to others: “Don’t worry, it’s fine. I am brave“It makes us think beyond survival to something on the order of hope, to life despite the terror. And that’s a lot of women doing everything they can to try to take steps to save their child. This is also so famous It is a very important duty of remembrance and I am very humble in this regard.

Whether in the book or the play, there is always this idea of ​​family.

Naturally ! And children!

What were you like as a child? It was your father who got you interested in cinema. He let you watch movies for years…

“There are things, even if we don’t think about them at the moment, that are always connected to childhood, to parents.”

Alice Taglioni

at franceinfo

Cinema is also my way of being with him. It’s something that brings me closer. So much music, it’s my mother’s side, my grandmother’s side. Just like my father… he always wanted to be an actor. This is the first time I’ve said this, but I think it’s largely thanks to him, maybe him, that I also became an actress and that I loved that world.

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Did the piano also enable you to build it yourself?

It’s incredible what the piano can do. Obviously it’s something that allows me to express things that I wouldn’t be able to do otherwise. emotions. But it is also a protection. It is something we have in front of us and can hide behind. I know that I discovered this acting profession by saying to myself: Wow, what am I going to do with all this? With my body. I don’t know how to talk to myself, I don’t know how to behave. Well, I didn’t feel very comfortable.

With this book, have you finally managed to close the door on your demons and find that serenity?

So I don’t know if I have demons. It’s not necessarily because we’re experiencing something tragic that we have it. Yes, I think we have to accept the idea that even when everything is going well, things can still go wrong. It is very important. This novel story is beautiful and the fact that I was able to write this story. But it’s not about turning the page to put something away, it’s about writing something new, in the continuity of something. There is a phrase that I don’t like: “Recreate your life.” No, on the contrary, we feed on what we have lived, on our experience to live our lives.

Watch this interview in the video:

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