The Supreme Court approves the return of bullfighting

The Supreme Court of Mexico approved this Wednesday the resumption of bullfighting in Plaza México, one of the most important bullfighting venues in the world. The highest court of this country recognized that the lawsuit of an environmental organization – which had already managed to suspend bullfights in the first instance – lacked legitimacy and that the courageous party will therefore return to this capital.

The result affects the highest spheres of politics and economics. The resolution was pushed by Justice Minister Yasmín Esquivel, appointed to the position by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and whose husband is construction contractor José María Riobóo, who is usually favored in Mexican government public tenders.

Esquivel was currently in turmoil over the discovery of alleged plagiarism in a dissertation written by the minister, for which he was on the verge of resigning from the Supreme Court.

López Obrador has never criticized bullfighting and when consulted on the issue, he evades and promises to call a referendum so that society can decide on bullfighting.

The litigation before the court was driven by the company Diversiones y Espectáculos ETM, owned by Alejandro Bailléres, one of Mexico’s richest businessmen. His many businesses include organizing bullfights in Plaza México.

This show has been suspended since May 2022 by Judge Jonathan Bass’ decision. It all started when the Just Justice Civil Association challenged CDMX’s bullfighting regulations and public entertainment law.

The judge ruled in favor of Just Justice, arguing that “society is interested in respecting the physical and emotional integrity of all animals.”

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Minister Esquivel drafted a resolution to lift this final suspension, considering that the requirement of accreditation of the plaintiff civil association’s interests was not met. Environmental protection cannot be equated with animal protection, said the minister. From this perspective, the claim to fair justice is inconclusive.

The Minister also pointed out that the association has at no time demonstrated any imminent or irreparable harm that it would suffer in the event of a refusal of the suspension, and certainly has not demonstrated the social interest that would justify the granting of the measure of suspension justify bullfights.

In addition, the Mexican court has already established that environmental protection does not mean the absolute protection of all animals, since several species, such as the fighting bull, are bred by humans for different purposes and are not part of the part of the animal world or ecosystems that must be protected.

The day before the verdict was announced, there was a hectic atmosphere around the Mexican Supreme Court. While the ministers deliberated, there were clashes between pro and anti-Fiesta Brava groups and various demonstrations. A department of the Mexico City police monitored that no incidents occurred.

“Yes to bullfights in the CDMX”, “Long live the traditions” said the banners and posters of bullfighting supporters. Meanwhile, the environmental protesters responded with texts such as “The right not to be exploited” and “Art creates, it does not torture.”

The Court’s ruling puts limits on a growing case law against bullfighting across the country. Two weeks ago, a federal judge indefinitely suspended bullfighting in Guadalajara, where Plaza Nuevo Progreso operates.

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Luis Márquez Pedroza, 19th judge of administrative, civil and labor affairs in this city, had granted a definitive suspension of the protection promoted by an animal protection organization.

We are pleased to inform you and express our joy at today’s decision of the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Nation, which unanimously decided to lift the suspension that affected the possibility of holding bullfighting shows in Plaza México, the largest bullring in the world.

This resolution leaves a great positive precedent in favor of freedoms and constitutional rights to self-determination, culture, free competition and decent work, as well as values ​​such as tolerance and respect. The diversity of different opinions and beliefs is fundamental to the healthy coexistence that our beloved Mexico should strive for.


  • The company Plaza México
    sent this statement after learning of the resolution: “We are pleased to inform you and express our joy at the decision made today by the Second Chamber of the Nation’s Supreme Court, which unanimously decided to lift the stay .” weighed on the possibility of holding bullfighting shows in Plaza México, the largest bullring in the world. This resolution leaves a great positive precedent in favor of freedoms and constitutional rights to self-determination, culture, free competition and decent work, as well as values ​​such as tolerance and respect. The diversity of different opinions and beliefs is fundamental to the healthy coexistence that our beloved Mexico should strive for. We reiterate that we will continue to defend bullfighting and support the free practice of bullfighting in all its facets. “We will closely follow the legal process and related reports so that we can announce the resumption of bullfighting activities in our Plaza México in the near future.”
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