From Milan to Rome, Edvard Munch’s works return to Italy

From Milan to Rome, Edvard Munch’s works return to Italy

AGI – About a hundred works, including one Lithograph version of the famous Screamwill move from the Oslo Museum to Milan for a major exhibition dedicated to the Norwegian painter The artist is a master of the arts. Almost 40 years after the major retrospective of 1986, the Palazzo Reale returns to show paintings, drawings […]

“The Substance,” Demi Moore’s bloody return

“The Substance,” Demi Moore’s bloody return

Se saca un huevo crudo de su cáscara, se le clava en la yema la jeringuilla que contiene el líquido, se inyecta el líquido presionando el émbolo, y listo: en pocos segundos, brota de la yema una segunda yema. El sencillo procedimiento explica a la perfección los efectos que provoca la sustancia que da título […]

“I return to Rai thanks to civil pressure” –

“I return to Rai thanks to civil pressure” –

From IDA BOZZI The program “Insider” will be broadcast on Rai in September. The author commented: “It’s a victory. The projects must be defended by a community.” And about “Gomorrah”: “It destroyed my life.” The program insider by Roberto Saviano will be broadcast in September. This was announced by the author, who presented his new […]

This legend of American cinema will soon return with his latest film

This legend of American cinema will soon return with his latest film

The award-winning, 93-year-old Hollywood star will soon return to present his latest film, which could mark the end of his career. There are celebrities who have endured several decades in Hollywood with a series of successes and sometimes some failures and have built a lasting reputation among viewers. So much so that we often talk […]

Was ist ROE (Return on Equity)? Kennzahlen, die helfen, die Investitionsrendite eines Unternehmens zu bewerten |

Was ist ROE (Return on Equity)? Kennzahlen, die helfen, die Investitionsrendite eines Unternehmens zu bewerten |

Überhöhte Gewinne und außerhalb der Bilanz verborgene Vermögenswerte können den ROE steigern und ein Unternehmen profitabler erscheinen lassen, als es tatsächlich ist. Alyssa Powell/Insider Der Return on Equity (ROE) ist ein finanzieller Leistungsindikator, der die Rentabilität eines Unternehmens darstellt. Der ROE wird berechnet, indem der Jahresüberschuss eines Unternehmens durch das Eigenkapital dividiert wird. Obwohl der […]