With “Kaddour” Rachida Brakni wants to “pay tribute to all these men who left a country for a better life”


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Literature: With “Kaddour” Rachida Brakni wants to “pay tribute to all these men who left a country for a better life”

Actress Rachida Brakni publishes her first book, “Kaddour,” a tribute to her father, an Algerian who came to France at the age of 18. She is a guest of 12/13 info, Thursday, April 4th.

(Information about France)

Actress Rachida Brakni publishes her first book, “Kaddour,” a tribute to her father, an Algerian who came to France at the age of 18. She is a guest of 12/13 info, Thursday, April 4th.

In a book entitled KaddourActress Rachida Brakni pays tribute to her father. Kaddour left Algeria at 18 to come to France and become a truck driver. He exhausted himself at work and died of Covid in the summer of 2020. As a guest of 12/13 info, Thursday April 4th, Rachida Brakni explains that she wanted to pay tribute to him “To all those men who have left a country to lead a better life (…), they are no longer entirely from there and they are not entirely from here either.”

“I don’t plan on stopping”

The book returns to the questions the actress couldn’t ask her father. Rachida Brakni says her parents always encouraged her. People were often surprised that she could express herself so well while her parents could neither read nor write French. “We’re trying to restrict immigrants in some sort of global vision.”, she explains. Finally, Rachida Brakni assures us: “I discovered writing and I don’t plan on stopping.”

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