when digital artists play with reality


video length: 3 minutes.

France 2
Article written by

L Gublin, S Thiebaut, F Cardoen – France 2

France TV

Fine arts, source of invention or escape, the processing of video images also has an artistic power. Immerse yourself in the unreal world of trompe-l’oeil and digital artists.

A building facade that peels off like a poster, revealing a figure seven stories high, a giant pumpkin in the streets of Paris… It’s digital trompe-l’oeil. Your success grows on social networks. Elouen Rolland reveals his crafting secrets: a green background to roll out, a paper pyramid and some tormented pancakes.

Flash success in social networks

I actually made a move where I threw a real pancake in the air, we’re going to pretend the pancake lands in the Louvre. I need to have roughly the same orientation as my original plan for my pyramid“, he says. Each video costs him a few days of work. It is only just becoming known, but others are already enjoying great success. Such is the case of Ian Padgham, an American living in France. Big brands and artists grab his hit videos, which have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times, to feed their social networks. “It’s a bit like a garden and you have to (…) be sure that content is always coming in so that the people who are following are interested and inspired‘ he comments.

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