What does the reform consist of?


Video length: 2 min

Public audiovisual media: what is the reform?
Public audiovisual media: what is the reform?

French MPs were due to examine a public broadcasting merger project this Thursday, May 23. Ultimately, this examination was postponed. The government is leaning towards merging France Télévisions, Radio France and the INA.

France Télévisions, Radio France, INA and perhaps RFI and France 24: what if tomorrow all these companies were to form a single company called France Médias? The government wants to implement this merger of public broadcasters quickly. The bill was even due to be debated in the National Assembly on May 23. The examination was finally postponed, with the official justification being that the agenda was too full.

But there is also a context: this merger project is politically controversial on the left. Subsequently, it is contested internally by numerous employees. A strike at Radio France is particularly popular at the moment. The timetable of the bill provides for the creation of France Médias from January 1st and the effective merger of the companies from 2026. The fate of France 24 and RFI has not yet been decided. Public funding of the audiovisual sector would benefit from new guarantees. 16,000 employees are affected by this reform.

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