“Video games are a French passion,” specifies the general director of the show


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6 mins

Paris Games Week: “Video games are a French passion,” specifies the general director of the fair

Paris Games Week: “Video games are a French passion,” specifies the general director of the show – (FranceInfo)

On December 13th welcomes info Nicolas Vignolles, General Director of Paris Games Week. He looks back on the event, which is expected to attract a total of more than 200,000 visitors.

Today, seven out of ten French people play video games. We now play for all age groups and not just young people. “There are misconceptions about video games. The show is an opportunity to correct them. The average age in France is 40 years old (…) Video games are a French passion. Today we can play on all media, which means the age is changing. We can play in the transportation sector,” specifies Nicolas Vignolles. “Seniors are playing more and more, there is something for every age,” continues the general director of Paris Games Week.

A social media

When asked that video games can be isolating, Nicolas Vignolles reiterates that it is a social medium that brings people together. “What we see in studies is that the younger we are, the more we play with others, year after year. (…) We play with others and we play with people we know in real life.” The reality is: the younger we are, the more connected we are and the more we play connected with people in his circle of relationships”concludes the general director of Paris Games Week.

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