The host is brought to trial on two counts

Stéphane Plaza faces domestic violence charges after complaints from two former partners. During the 48 hours of his police custody, the presenter denied the facts and denounced a conspiracy against him.

At the end of the summer he will be charged with domestic violence in the Paris criminal court. Stéphane Plaza spent 48 hours in police custody before the Paris prosecutor’s office decided to bring him to trial this Thursday, March 14, 2024. Until the trial, the M6 ​​moderator should be placed under judicial supervision at the request of the public prosecutor’s office. The M6 ​​star is accused of physical and psychological violence during their relationships by three former companions, two of whom have filed a complaint. These are the two cases for which the prosecutors have filed a complaint, which will be decided in court. Stéphane Plaza is more specifically convicted of “habitual violence by a partner, resulting in incapacity for work for more than 8 days”.

While in police custody, Stéphane Plaza was confronted by the two complainants. The first deals with a love affair between 2018 and 2022 and accuses the real estate agent of breaking her finger and dislocating two others. She also recounts a time when the host allegedly pushed her against a wall, squeezing her throat. The second complainant stated that she was bitten twice outside of an intimate context and suffered moral harassment. The host is considered innocent in this process

Stéphane Plaza denies it and claims it was an accident

Stéphane Plaza has consistently denied the allegations since they were published in the Médiapart newspaper last September and has maintained his line of defense while in police custody. He would have defended himself with the hypothesis of accidental injuries. He denies the violent acts he is accused of and sticks to his version that the two women conspired against him to damage his reputation. He would have rejected and deceived them both, and in his opinion they would seek revenge. According to a source close to the case, quoted by The ParisianStéphane Plaza would currently be in “denial” and “victimization.”

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The statement from the three ex-partners was published by Mediapart

Stéphane Plaza is accused of violence by three former partners in an article in Media section published on Thursday, September 21st. They say they suffered “verbal and psychological violence (humiliation, denigration, threats)” at the hands of the real estate agent and two of them describe “physical attacks.” They still claim to the investigative newspaper that they had a relationship with the host without knowing that he was seeing other people and accuse him of “manipulation, pressure and abuse” to “manage multiple relationships at the same time to do it seriously.”

Stéphane Plaza would have refused to respond to Mediapart’s inquiries on these various topics. The host’s lawyer, Me Hélène Plumet, denounced “totally extrapolated, even false claims” and “fanciful accusations.” She also revealed that Stéphane Plaza filed a harassment and cyberharassment complaint against her last June.

Among the statements published by Mediapart against the fifty-year-old host and real estate agent is one from him former partners, who allegedly gave written testimony to a bailiff in May 2022, accuses him of “violently” throwing several fingers at him during a tantrum. “Three of my fingers were drooping, they quickly became purple and swollen,” she assures. She also states that she received a “punch in the shoulder.” Another of his former partners, who filed suit in September 2022, claims he inflicted “bites” on her. Threats are also mentioned in this Mediapart article.

Stéphane Plaza “fears for his life”

Stéphane Plaza’s lawyer assures Mediapart that these statements come from “three women with whom he dated and who, finally rejected, they allied themselves against him in order to harm him by all means.”. His lawyer also tells Mediapart that a complaint of harassment and cyberstalking was filed against one of the accusers in June 2023: “The facts are so serious that Mr. Plaza has to fear for his life, as he told the district attorney.” According to reports Charges were also filed against one of the accusers in October 2021.

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In a press release, Stéphane Plaza’s lawyer denounced “defamatory and offensive allegations.” “Mediapart acted as an intermediary for three women who undermined the dignity of Stéphane Plaza, thereby becoming complicit in the public vilification against the latter, while they were the subject of a criminal complaint filed by him.” [contre elles] for harassment and cyber harassment,” can still be read.

For its part, the M6 ​​group responded to the information late on Thursday evening, September 21st. On X (formerly Twitter) he stated that he had conducted an interview with Stéphane Plaza after the information appeared in the press. The M6 ​​group stated that it “particularly adheres to the values ​​of respect for people and is the guarantor of its code of ethics and professional conduct” and announced that it “notes the formal challenge to the facts by Stéphane Plaza.” he is accused and about the legal challenges that “he committed”.

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