Hush, we’re playing! “Viewfinder”, “Pikmin 4”, “NBA 2K24”, “Goodbye Volcano High” and the making of “Karateka” – Libération

Hush, we’re playing!  “Viewfinder”, “Pikmin 4”, “NBA 2K24”, “Goodbye Volcano High” and the making of “Karateka” – Libération

This week features recursive 3D, animals to control, an orange balloon, teenage dinosaurs and rotoscoping. Hush, we’re playing! It’s the weekly video game show Release. With Erwan Cario and his columnists Patrick Hellio, Corentin Benoit-Gonin and Marius Chapuis. To follow the releases of Hush, we’re playing! You can subscribe to it flux you podcast on […]

Wir haben getestet… „Goodbye Volcano High“, wenn sich das Ende der High School mit dem Ende der Welt reimt

Wir haben getestet… „Goodbye Volcano High“, wenn sich das Ende der High School mit dem Ende der Welt reimt

„Goodbye Volcano High“ erzählt von den Ängsten von Teenagern, die mit dem drohenden Ende der Welt konfrontiert sind. KO_OP Ein klassisches Universum, die heutige kalifornische Küste, mit einem bemerkenswerten Unterschied: keine Menschen, sondern anthropomorphe Dinosaurier. Diejenigen, die uns interessieren, sind Gymnasiasten im letzten Jahr. Sie sind natürlich mit dem Schwindel der Lebensentscheidungen konfrontiert, die für […]

Music: l’explosive Baby Volcano – reportage culture

Music: l’explosive Baby Volcano – reportage culture

The baby volcano has been causing earthquakes on international stages for three years. As a rapper with a fiery temper, but also as a trained dancer who contorts himself in animal ways, the young Swiss Guatemalan has developed into one of the most powerful artists in independent music. In an eruptive style, between charged electronics […]

Jon Plazaola: “María León is fire, she is a volcano, she has a lot of power”

Jon Plazaola: “María León is fire, she is a volcano, she has a lot of power”

Friday, August 4, 2023 at 6:40 am | Updated at 10:04 am. comment copy link Whatsapp Facebook Twitter LinkedIn telegram The overwhelming success of “Allí abajo” during five long seasons on Antena 3 marked a before and after in the career of Urretxuarra actor Jon Plazaola. His longed-for and celebrated character (Iñaki) continues to be […]

the last clue to the lost treasure stolen by the Republic of Spain after the Civil War

the last clue to the lost treasure stolen by the Republic of Spain after the Civil War

One of the great mysteries, mysteries, or black holes—whatever you want to call it—of the Civil War is undoubtedly the whereabouts of the “Vita” treasure. A gigantic booty that included a large part of the Spanish historical and artistic heritage that the Republic took from Spain in the last months of the Spanish conflict, when […]

MIN Awards honor Niña Coyote and Chico Tornado with “Best Album in Basque”

MIN Awards honor Niña Coyote and Chico Tornado with “Best Album in Basque”

The MIN Awards for Independent Music have again – for the third time – awarded the San Sebastian duo Niña Coyote eta Chico Tornado with the award for “Best Album in Basque”, sponsored by Etxepare Euskal Institutua. The award ceremony took place this Wednesday in the Auditorium of Palma de Mallorca, where the other four […]