The mayor of Marcq-en-Barœul cancels the Izïa concert on July 13th

The mayor of Marcq-en-Barœul cancels the Izïa concert on July 13th

The singer, daughter of Jacques Higelin, is known for her left-wing positions. WILLIAM SOUVANT / – On Thursday, Izïa Higelin imagined the president’s lynching with “bats with nails”. A preliminary investigation into “public incitement to commit a criminal offense or misdemeanor” was initiated. A concert “contrary to the values ​​of coming together that prevail on […]

An Izïa concert in Marcq-en-Barœul threatened to be cancelled

An Izïa concert in Marcq-en-Barœul threatened to be cancelled

The LR Mayor of Marcq-en-Barœul (North), Bernard Gérard, believes that the arrival of Izia “for a public, free and family concert would be contrary to the values ​​of coming together that prevail on our national holiday”. Posted on 07/09/2023 18:45 To update on 07/09/2023 20:33 Reading time : 1 minute. Singer Izïa Higelin during the […]

Risk of cancellation of a concert by Izïa Higelin – Liberation

Risk of cancellation of a concert by Izïa Higelin – Liberation

The singer should liven up the celebrations on July 14 in Marcq-en-Barœul. But since her controversial statements about Emmanuel Macron, according to “La Voix du Nord”, she is facing the cancellation of her concert. Would a blacklist be in progress? The singer Izïa Higelin, targeted for “public provocation to commit a crime or criminal offense” […]

Nach Äußerungen der Sängerin Izïa, die einen Lynchmord an Emmanuel Macron heraufbeschworen, wurden Ermittlungen eingeleitet

Nach Äußerungen der Sängerin Izïa, die einen Lynchmord an Emmanuel Macron heraufbeschworen, wurden Ermittlungen eingeleitet

Die Staatsanwaltschaft von Nizza teilte Agence France-Presse am Samstag, dem 8. Juli, mit, dass eine Untersuchung gegen die Sängerin Izïa Higelin wegen „öffentlicher Provokation zur Begehung eines Verbrechens oder Vergehens“ eingeleitet worden sei, nachdem die Künstlerin während eines Konzerts am Donnerstag einen Lynchmord an Emmanuel Macron erwähnt hatte. „Es handelt sich um die Territorialbrigade der […]