Sabina vibrates the WiZink at the end of her international tour: “Madrid is the place where my legs shake the most”

Almost four years after that fateful fall, which required him to undergo several operations and with his poor health on his back, Joaquín Sabina returned yesterday to the Wizink Center to complete his final tour, that led him to travel, as he assured, “The best concert halls in the world.” “We’ve been to London, Paris, New York, but Madrid is the place where my heart races the most and my legs shake the most,” confirmed the singer from Ubeda, dressed in a blue striped jacket and his classic bowler hat Beginning of the concert, before singing “Yo me quedo en Madrid”, a song to which he modified part of its original lyrics yesterday, recalling emblematic places in the capital.

Several times over time intensive hours The audience stood to applaud an artist who is now 74 years old, but who yesterday did not rule out that this – “Against All Odds” – was his last tour.

“The worst thing about resistance is having to say goodbye to professional colleagues and increasingly being alone.”

“On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams”, “Marble Tears”, “I Deny Everything” and “White Lies” were some of the songs with which he began the evening, in which he allowed himself several moments of rest to change clothes and relax a little his voice, which, although it sounded more broken than ever, remained at a high level throughout the night . “The worst thing about resistance is saying goodbye to professional colleagues and being left more and more alone,” he assured the audience before singing “On the Boulevard…”.

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He was accompanied on stage by Maria Barrios (his usual singer). Pedro Barceló, Laura Gómez Palma, Borja Montenegro, José Misagaste, Antonio García de Diego and Jaime Asua, who made their debut in Sabina’s band on this tour, for the first time in 40 yearsor had Pancho Varona.


The wonderful “Peces de ciudad” (“Se peinaba a los garçon…”), “So young and so old” and “19 days and 500 nights” were some of the songs that were played next, but without a doubt one One of the most emotional moments was when Barrios performed the old song “, however, or I love you,” which inspired Sabina to write the iconic “And, however,” after hearing it in the car.

During the During the concert, drawings made by Sabina herself were broadcast on the huge screens, who alternately sat on a stool and on a chair while performing the songs, at some point starting in the middle of the dance and proving to be very skilled with the guitar. At the edges of the stage, Perhaps preemptively after the incident four years ago, bold red lights made it clear that from then on there was no need to cross the street.

After performing “Contigo,” “Wedding Night,” and “We Were Given Ten.” Sabina said goodbye with a “See you soon” from a Wizink that was filled to the brim -13,000 spectators – and for which the resale tickets cost more than 200 euros. A two-minute standing ovation – an assistant threw him a Boca Juniors T-shirt – thanked him for his remarkable performance on a tour he said It was one of the “most exciting” of his entire career. On Wednesday he will play again in Madrid, where, despite all odds, this time it will be the last concert of a tour.

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