Popular songs consistent with reality

Nothing is written in popular music, everything is transmitted orally. To give this traditional music a voice, six choirs come together for a unique evening. In “The Voices of the Real World” they sing about love, nature, exile and resistance. Songs that have been popular for several centuries and that are still a reflection of our present and help us to better understand our future.

Guests :

This week chronicle elsewhere takes you to the 5th edition of the “Festival International SLAMeroun“. From June 22 to 25, 2023, several Cameroonian slammers and seven slammers from abroad will meet in Yaoundé and Kribi, Cameroon. Children’s tradition Arnaud aka FaithfullSlammer, but also director of the festival, presents the expected major events and talks to us about the protection of the environment, the central theme of this edition.

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