“Nowadays there is only a high level in the preparation of recipes” for the athletes, assures chef Juan Arbelaez


Video length: 3 min

Paris 2024: “Today there is just a high level in the preparation of the recipes” for the athletes, assures chef Juan Arbelaez
Chef Juan Arbelaez will carry the Olympic flame on May 20th. As a guest of 11/13 info, Tuesday April 30th, he focuses in particular on the preparation of meals for the athletes during the Olympic Games and assures that they are in good hands.
(France info)

Chef Juan Arbelaez will carry the Olympic flame on May 20th. As a guest of 11/13 info, Tuesday April 30th, he focuses in particular on the preparation of meals for the athletes during the Olympic Games and assures that they are in good hands.

Chef Juan Arbelaez will carry the Olympic flame. “Honestly, I still have a hard time believing it.”, he responds in 11/13 info, Tuesday, April 30. He states that he will carry the flame on May 20th. “When it was announced to me, I was like a child who had been given this gift under the tree that he had not expected.”says the chef, who says himself “overjoyed”.

Sports nutrition “a huge issue”

The chef states that several of his friends are among the groups that will cook food for the athletes during the Olympics. “It’s a huge problem”he believes because “France is also synonymous with gastronomy in the world”. “That’s why I think it’s also very important to choose the people chosen to cook.”he says. “I can assure you that today only a high level is reached in the preparation of the recipes and I think that thanks to the decisions made, the name of gastronomy and of France will continue in all excellence. Facts”assures Juan Arbelaez.

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