New Order marks the first milestone in the launch of Primavera Sound | Catalonia

At a youth festival they were old those responsible for participating in the first really big concert of the festival. It was New Order who, after four decades of their career alone, gathered a crowd in front of their stage (which they started with). remorse), one of the two Cyclopes in the area popularly called Mordor, the broad seafront promenade of the Forum. Pure history with music as sunny as a mushroom farm, the Manchester group triumphed at a sunny festival like Primavera, which was uncrowded on its first full day. Only the few water fountains scattered around the enclosure registered queues of consumer patients. New Order had planned a hits concert to rekindle the laurels in front of those barely born when they started music.

Earlier, in the early afternoon, it had started out difficult. A group like Black Country New Road doesn’t paint for late nights, as their elusive and complex music doesn’t lend itself to situations that require more body than brain. Approaching rock from the progressive and experimental shores, the English sextet and their compositions arch like a contortionist’s back, beginning and stopping to give way to saxophone, accordion, violin, voices, flutes and guitars in frescos, the concentration require. . The vertical screens did not show compositions, but individual images of the musicians. The only way to get an idea of ​​who was on stage was to walk away and check in passing that the audience’s costumes followed a simple rule: dress, or undress, to sing at a First Communion. They opened and closed with us up songThey focus the repertoire on their latest album, a live show, while ignoring what Isaac Wood, their former vocalist, can no longer defend, having left the group for reasons of personal balance.

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Without taking the brains off, Yard Act was a lot more physical and otherwise related to New Order’s post-punk division. only in it. The Leeds group, like Black Country New Road, belong to a new generation of musicians who share no common musical style but the boredom of a generation that feels betrayed. Yard Act appeal to a sense of humor through soothing guitar music to express their disgust through songs like… payday, in which they sang: “What’s a ghetto, do you grow lettuce in potholes?”. On the other hand, in another of their most popular songs, very physically staged and without the cantautoril spirit of truth-clarification, they parted in their country, just as they could not do it here because of the Spain brand, and they call England dead horse, Another issue that erupted: “Mad Country Full of Bastards”. No, they’re not subtle, but being young doesn’t help develop finesse these days.

But don’t lose hope, life goes on. It was observed by a young mother breastfeeding her baby away from the hustle and bustle. Given the creature’s size and weight, it occurred to me that they don’t leave home until they are 30 years old. The family shelter lasts longer and longer. Despite all this, the change between the stages was not a Herculean task, since there were no crowds, at least in daylight. And with that in mind, Brittany Parks, aka Sudan Archives, offered a raw and festive take on her slick pop and rhythm and blues, which is featured in her latest effort, The Delicious Natural brown prom queen. Dressed as a Mad Max actress, accompanied only by a base-shooting, percussion-playing musician whose violin bows were stowed in a quiver slung across her back, the artist mixed moments of vibrant hip-hop style in a troubled sight OMG BRITT danceable pieces like ChevyS10, Freakalizer and satin homesickness with which he concluded his performance.

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And between concert and concert, the audience, a creature in the toy store, wide-eyed in search of stimuli, seeking successive stimuli at the festival pace, had to be reasonably careful not to leave the site without having bought a car and hooked after that steamers promoted by some young women or opening a bank account with a company that gives his name for some scenarios see his economic power. It all comes together for a festival that Blur anticipated at night. festival stuff.

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