New Music | The group La Pegatina blows out 20 birthday candles with a travel comic and a record

“Arriving in China and seeing that our lyrics had to pass the censors, or blindly ordering food in a restaurant because the menu was only in Chinese. Or realizing in Mexico that spicy food isn’t like it is here and that in the end it’s just enchilados.” … There are anecdotes from our travels that explain how some musicians experience culture shock,” he lists Ruben Sierrasitting next to his group mates The stickerAdrià, Ovidi, Ferran, Axel, Romain, Miki and Miguelón. These are some of the adventures of his musical tours that appear in “Let’s conquer the world or the crazy adventures of… La Pegatina” (norm), a colorful and funny comic for all target groups with whom They commemorate the band’s 20th anniversary.

To top off the party, they will also be releasing four songs (three were already known) this Friday a new EP, “Halfway”, with Catalan ska, rumba rock and pop rock, mixing music from all over the world and hinting at “everything we have left to do,” notes singer Adrià Salas.

Fragment of the cover of the comic “La Pegatina”. LUC SILVESTRE AND MR. ED

The members of the group are accompanied by the authors of the comic Barcelona screenwriter Lluc Silvestre (1973) vol the Argentine cartoonist Mr. Ed (Edgardo Carosia), to whom the musicians sent WhatsApp audios and SMS emails with everything that shocked them during their tour. “To celebrate the 20th anniversary, we didn’t want something boring with the typical biography, but an anecdote about what happened to us while traveling, memories that I will one day tell my grandchildren… or my cats,” he smiles. Adrian-. “When Lluc suggested to me the idea of ​​making a comic like this, it was in line with what we wanted.”

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The members of the group La Pegatina with the comic with which they celebrate their 20th anniversary, this Wednesday at the Norma Cómics bookstore in Barcelona. SÍLVIA JARDÍ / ACN

Since his birth, in Montcada and Reixac In 2003, La Pegatina released, a group of friends acting as a team 10 discos – In 2022 they released “Hacia otro parte”, another nod to travel – with songs in Catalan, Galician, Spanish, Basque, Portuguese and even English Tour through 35 countries (Even Australia, they point out, and this month it premieres in Colombia, and the United States and Africa are missing, they note). “We like to travel because it means Get out of your comfort zonesomething that belongs to us identity symbol“And because it inspires us to compose, because you capture the musical essence of each country and integrate it into your aesthetic,” says Axel Magnani. In the comic they reflect experiences of China, Japan, Mexico, Ecuador and it is Rober, his “tour” manager – “our ‘getter'” as they call him – who acts as… in a few vignettes, acting as a funny narrator and guide Travel notebook.

Page from the comic “The Sticker”. LUC SILVESTRE AND MR. ED

Silvestre and Mr. Ed had worked together “A bear in Morocco.”‘. The screenwriter knew La Pegatina personally. Not so the cartoonist who got involved with the band and captured their spirit. The first thing he did was go see her during a concert at Poble Espanyol. “I immediately understood what they were broadcasting live. I saw that in addition to the musical aspect, they were also thinking about the visual aspect, something they had taken care of throughout their career. And I tried to reproduce the colors that they transferred to me, their music and show them in the drawing,” says Mr. Ed, who is also one of the heads of the children’s comic collection “Mamut” (by Bang Ediciones).

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Cartoon from the comic “The Sticker”. LUC SILVESTRE AND MR. ED

“Music and rhythm are a universal language. There are countries that we reach better with our music, like Mexico,” says Rubén. “La Pegatina is local from here, but it is also local.” very universall because we break the language barrier with our “show” and our energy. I don’t think there was a concert where someone didn’t dance.” “In South America they’re always more exuberant. In China they initially stood still, but then danced – his partner Ovidi Díaz supported him. And also in Japan, where we had sold 3,000 records before we arrived.”

Page from the comic “The Sticker”. LUC SILVESTRE AND MR. ED

In the comic, whose title “Let’s eat the world…” is a phrase from the song “Muérdeme”, they say they feel reflected. “We recognize each other. We are musicians who discover everything from the Chinese Tao to the eating habits of pangolins to the way Mexican wrestling works,” concludes Adrià.

Page from the comic “The Sticker”. LUC SILVESTRE AND MR. ED

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