Mourad Merzouki combines viola da gamba and dance with “Phénix”


video length: 3 minutes.

Information about France

The section “An artist, one day at the Festival Off d’Avignon” will meet choreographer Mourad Merzouki on Thursday 27 July, who will present his show “Phénix”.

“It’s an unlikely encounter between a viola da gamba and dancers: they are four, of hip-hop and contemporary dance.”, says Mourad Merzouki. During the show, a musician plays the viola da gamba live. This tool is “Like a cello that opposes electronic music: these are two worlds, two epochs that enter into a dialogue with each other and that’s what I like about my work in general.”explains the choreographer.

A show full of energy and poetry

The viola da gamba mingling with the dancers brings a different perspective to the stage: when you play a musician live on stage, you can feel the music differently. Mourad Merzouki assures us: his show is open to all viewers, whether they are dance and music connoisseurs or not. “You have to come and see it, because there’s energy, there’s poetry, there’s dancing (…) we have exceptional dancers who transition from hip-hop dance to contemporary dance.”says the choreographer.

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