Morante broke up a bullfight that closes the doors to new generations | The bull by the horns | Culture

On April 26, 2023, the miracle occurred in the Plaza de La Maestranza before the spellbound gaze of those who had the privilege of witnessing the experience. religious. An artist felt the call of inspiration and sprayed the Sevillian meditation temple, producing a beauty as inexplicable as it is dazzling.

There remained the eternal work in just over twenty minutes for the joy, happiness and the everlasting memory of all fans and curious people of the art of bullfighting.

Morante was the protagonist (who, if not…) of this spectacular excitement. The bullfighter walked on the tail of “Ligerito”, the bull of Domingo Hernández, who contributed to this feat, and the entire bullfighting community trembled with excitement and joy.

Today, as the calendar turns to the new year, this afternoon will be remembered for what it was: a transcendental, unique and historic event. This is followed by images of Tafalleras transfigured in pure glory, a jubilant Capotero, the light-pregnant Muleta task and that Volapié that opened the door to delirium.

If the young matadors are left to their fate and bullfighting is not encouraged, the prospects are obviously not encouraging.

That was the job of the year. The entire season has been compressed into this work, and its author has inadvertently redeemed the bullfighting festival from all its sins and woes.

Luckily, Morante wasn’t the only one. There were other heroic artists (that goes for anyone who carries lights) who also left their mark, with varying depth and regularity: Daniel Luque, for example, the preeminent bullfighter in the ranks; Roca Rey, bold and box office hit; El Juli, an experienced teacher who took leave; Juan Ortega, Urdiales and Pablo Aguado, unpunctual goldsmiths; Paco Ureña and Escribano, two great people who were ignored; Castella, happy comeback; Emilio de Justo, almost complete; Borja Jiménez, Fernando Adrián, Ginés Marín and Tomás Rufo, present and future…

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In addition to the bullfighters, some outstanding bulls were released in Seville and Madrid, from the irons of Victorino Martín, Miura, García Jiménez, Jandilla, Santiago Domecq, Núñez del Cuvillo, El Torero…

But the year 2023 also showed some shadows that should not be forgotten.

The darkest thing is that the conception of the bullfighting business based on a small number of numbers closes the doors to a new generation of bullfighters, interesting on paper but unknown to the public.

Daniel Luque, last June 1st in Las Ventas.Alfredo Arevalo

The majority of posters for important masses last year were configured with no more than 15 names, that is, those that reached at least 27 celebrations; The rest of the crew, up to a total of 183 bullfighters who had dressed in lights for at least an afternoon, had to make do with the crumbs.

And most of that privileged 15 are veterans – Morante himself is entering his 27th season as a Bullfighter – and some have clearly already been cashed out.

On paper there is no replacement because the public has no news about young bullfighters who have proven their good skills but whose names are not on the tables of big businessmen.

Here is a list of bullfighters who deserve better treatment than before: Fernando Adrián, Isaac Fonseca, Adrián de Torres, Ángel Téllez, Francisco de Manuel, David de Miranda, David Galván, Damián Castaño, Manuel Diosleguarde, Gómez del Pilar, Francisco José Espada, Ángel Sánchez, Ángel Jiménez, Álvaro Alarcón, Rubén Pinar, Sergio Serrano… Sure, they’re all there, but there are a few more who deserve new opportunities; And surely among this large group of bullfighters who have only taken one or two walks all season, there will be others who contain conditions for victory but which remain hidden due to oblivion. And who knows how many years they will have to wait for happiness when such a gift comes to them.

There are no bullfights; Well, very few, and most of them are thanks to the efforts of the Toro de Lidia Foundation that he had to make as a businessman to prevent bullfighting from disappearing due to the lack of bullfighters. If bullfights are not encouraged and the young matadors are left to their fate, the prospects are obviously not encouraging.

The April Fair and San Isidro were the prestigious venues where a new bullfighting event was launched in 2023.

But there were other shadows.

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The April Fair and San Isidro were the prestigious venues where a new bullfight was inaugurated, based essentially on the majority power of a cheerful and generous public in the face of a very weakened fan base, in a presidential box disoriented in the face of a new reality that the regulations, and a bull – oh, the bull – that sadly had to be seen for more than an afternoon.

Today’s bull feels more comfortable, he usually comes out shaved off – whatever the bullfighters say – he firmly believes that the trap of the so-called Bull of Madrid has disappeared – handsome, gentle and artistic, bred not for emotion but to participate in the bullfighter’s triumph.

As a result, the rod species has virtually disappeared and the picador profession is in danger of extinction.

Back in February last year, Movistar Plus announced that its Canal Toros broadcasts would permanently cease on March 23, meaning a bucket of ice water for the bullfighting festival. This marked the end of three decades of bullfighting programming and television broadcasts became dependent on a new company: Mundotoro TV – now Onetoro – which fulfilled its obligation honorably, not without some surprises and little transparency, as is usual in any bullfighting channel.

The 2023 season was saved thanks to Morante’s stunning win in Seville; and all eyes and interests of businessmen remain fixed upon it, waiting for another genius.

But Morante is not eternal. Before it’s too late, he should open the doors for other bullfighters; Surely there is more than one of the most interesting among them. Here is the example of Borja Jiménez from Seville. And it shouldn’t be the only thing.

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