Mereghetti’s testimony A woman’s rebellion against the power of men (score 7) –

From Paolo Mereghetti

“Inshallah a Boy,” the debut film by Jordanian director Amjad Al Rasheed, reminds us of the situation of women in a country where Sharia law is the law

EJust yesterday we looked with admiration at Muslim women who stood up against this long history of subjugationThen our attention was diverted to other “urgent situations” and the fate of these women was forgotten. To open our eyes again comes a film from Jordan, a debut work from painful melancholy This reminds us of the situation of women in a country where Sharia is law: “Inshallah a boy” (May Allah it be a boy, it can be translated) tells the odyssey of Nawal (Mouna Awa), a young woman who suddenly finds herself widow and who discovers what it means to be a woman in a world where men rule.

You understand that immediately during the wake upwhen the neighbor who shows up in the niqab says, “When A woman loses her husband He not only loses his lover and companion, but also He also loses everything he has in life». And Nawal will understand this firsthand, because Sharia stipulates that in the absence of a son (and she has only one daughter), the inheritance must be shared with the man’s family. Whoever presents himself in the form of his brother-in-law Rifqi (Haitham Omari): He wants to be there immediately paid the last installments for the pickup truck he had sold to the deceased, but then encountered resistance from the widow, who would like to be proud of keeping what belonged to the family (even if she doesn’t even have a driver’s license). he immediately made his demands. And after the vehicle, wants the house. While Nawal finds out that even her brother, the overly submissive Ahmad (Mohammad Al Jizawi), won’t defend her he agrees with his brother-in-law, without even the slightest worry about the fate that awaits the woman. To think this, it is enough for him to repeat like an exclamation: “Trust God”, “Allah wants only your good”. everything will be fine.

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Nawal tries to defend himself but always ends up collide with sloth o to male arrogance. In fact, we will find that she also contributed to the purchase of the apartment, pawn her dowry and her jewelsbut the husband (as Arab men often do, out of shame at having to allow female help) had not signed the corresponding declaration, just as it does not appear anywhere that Nawal contributed any money from her earnings to the payment the mortgage payments. And without evidence – a judge decides – the woman cannot make claims.

Very skilled at putting on the hijab when brother-in-law and brother do it they install in his house They act as masters and also make demands on the daughter (the Sharia justifies this by saying that the child is effectively taken away from its mother in the name of who knows what). better future) Nawal finds nothing better than to explain to the judge that she is pregnant to buy time. And in the meantime, he has to try to help Lauren (Yumna Marwan), the daughter of the rich lady he works for as a carer for her Alzheimer’s-stricken grandmother, who got pregnant by a husband instead he cheats constantly. One wants to lose the child she is carrying out of contempt for her husband, the other wants to be able to explain instead that she is carrying it in her womb in order to block the child Brother-in-law’s maneuvers.

Written by director Amjad Al Rasheed with his producers Rula Nasser and Delphine Agut, the film has many surprises in store, but above all it tries tear the hood apart This suffocates the future of women, without anger or proclamations, but rather shows what appears to beinevitability of a fate which, thanks to religious conventions and legal regulations, transforms widows themselves into deceased people. Nawal will be able to respond to a “law” that only she seems to want submissive and submissive? I just want to add that at a certain moment the woman discovers that a mouse is running around the kitchen and taking over the place, just as Rafqi and Ahmad do with their house, and that the fate of this “intruder” will pass the same Away with that of the two men when the woman will learn to hope lessProvidence intervention and will roll up his sleeves to face his enemies.

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March 14, 2024 (modified March 14, 2024 | 7:41 p.m.)

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