Masterchef makes tough statement to defend itself against harassment allegations

Masterchef producer Shine Iberia has issued a strong statement to defend herself against accusations of harassment on the program following the treatment of a contestant on the program, Tamara, when she announced she wanted to leave the competition because it did not the case was feel good. In the letter, they assure that the emotional well-being of the participants is their “absolute priority” and ask for respect for the jury, Pepe Rodríguez, Jordi Cruz and Samantha Vallejo-Nágera, who they consider “indispensable parts” of the program. They also emphasize that Tamara has denied suffering from mental health issues and highlight her commitment to mental health through visibility and collaboration on social causes.

All these controversies arise because Chef Jordi Cruz was very critical of Tamara, the contestant who dropped out of this edition. Although the woman stated several times that she was constantly “nervous, tense and under pressure” and didn’t want to continue because “she wasn’t feeling well,” the chef responded that “he took away people’s chances” and that she should have hers Leave your apron behind and walk out the door. Some statements spread like wildfire on social networks, prompting some of the most influential people in the country to speak out in support of the participant and accuse the show of not taking into account the mental health of participants, especially after the case of Verónica Forqué.

The program then decided to remove the episode from its streaming platform RTVE Play, asserting that it “regrets broadcasting content that should not have taken place”. In this statement they now defend themselves against the allegations and assure that all recordings take place in a safe environment and that a team of psychologists is constantly available to the participants and that there are also two people whose exclusive activity is “to… “Support and supervision of participants 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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In the letter they recall the case of David, a participant who stated on the show that he suffered from mental health problems, and highlight some of the awards the format has received, such as the National Gastronomy Award and two Ondas Awards. And finally, they remember that in the twelve years of the program’s history, it “promoted inclusion, made disability and mental health care visible, promoted gender equality and reaffirmed the importance of sustainability and caring for the environment”. And they assure that they acknowledge this debate, which “enriches us as a society and allows us to move forward”.

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