Lola Herrera: “Split Feminism and the Separation of the Left Hurt Me”

May I call you “stage lady” or do you prefer the title “all-rounder of the performing arts”?

Just call me Lola, but I really like anything that sounds weird.

How do you feel about those compliments when they say them on the street?

Good, because I’m normal. I know popularity brings people closer, and I’m a bit like second neighbors. To people, I’m someone close to me, someone who’s always been around, especially since I started on TV. TV has it, two days after you go out everyone knows you even if they don’t know your name. In the theatre, on the other hand, it takes years to become well-known.

What is Lola Herrera addicted to?

To the theater and sometimes to the candy bars. I’m passionately fascinated by the mechanics of my work, by what it means to use the imagination, to use my head to walk through a character, to transmit it… It’s a ritual that I really like.

divine vice of theatrewhere he has only lived for six decades, is he still studying?

You always learn new things, because you don’t work alone, there is an exchange. As soon as you get up there are things to learn from, if not what a paralysis.

Paralysis, crisis, recession… Do you notice precarity in your area, in the sector you work in?

Of course there are many people without work. The profession has grown immensely and it’s not for everyone. I know many colleagues who are doing very poorly. What happens is that in this job you don’t know when the phone will ring and that can make you desperate. In this profession there is hope until it is exhausted.

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What do you admire about your traveling companions, about two ethnic actresses like Lola Baldrich and Ana Labordeta?

All. They are phenomenal actresses and unbeatable partners. There is harmony and understanding within the work, and also outside there is a perspective that connects us very much.

What do you discover through a game like addicted?

I inform myself about the use of technologies and find out what can be done with them. I get stuck on the shows or documentaries that talk about wiretapping or how they have us all under control. This function has a lot to do with what they can do with us, which the faceless major world powers can pull the strings somewhere, and who are undoubtedly the owners of our lives.

Do we cross our arms or do we rebel?

You have to be rebellious, you don’t have to commit yourself. To adapt is to die. You have to find the best way to fight, I don’t know what it is. We must not remain indifferent, but protest after analyzing each individual’s situation. Not everyone suits the same people. Everyone must vote conscientiously, not lightly, not because they like you. You have to take the step in the direction you want to take it.

Spain is already in the prelims. Is he alright?

Well I wear it sometimes out of sleepiness or boredom and sometimes out of curiosity. It’s the same things, the same phrases, you know what they’re going to tell you… It’s a bit boring, but it’s necessary. I would strongly emphasize the importance of voting and not everyone thinks so.

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addicted It is a work that opposes the digital dictatorship. Has the theater made you freer?

Theater makes you freer, because when you’re up there, you tell a story, nobody dominates your thoughts. I think theater is a weapon that is rarely used, a very interesting platform for reflection, it helps to talk about things that affect us all.

Reference for many and for many. He feminism Separation hurts?

Yes, somehow I don’t understand it, just like the separation from the left hurts me too. It hurts my heart that they never reach an agreement at all, if they’re not one, they’re another. It seems to me stupid, irresponsible, no matter how much idealism one has.

Does it bother you that in every interview you are asked what encourages you to still be on stage after 80?

Not that it bothers me, it shocks me. I often feel like a Methuselah. I’m with my five senses, I’m perfectly comfortable developing my work. Why is it so hard for people to believe I’m still here? I’m still here because it’s what I love to do and I can do it. Not everyone is so lucky, first by profession and then by age, I have good genes. I didn’t inherit millions from my family, but I did inherit some fabulous genes. I do my best there, communicate with the people who go to the theater.

The last time she came to Palma, she did it alone, with Five hours with Mario, a character he played for more than four decades. Some say loneliness has a bad reputation, but can it be pleasant?

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I really enjoy the solitude because it was never imposed. There will be moments in my life when I felt a little alone, but they were moments, sensations. I know how to take care of myself very well. I learned it on the side and I think it’s one of the most important things I’ve ever learned. Being good with one gives you peace of mind. There are many people who are completely desperate with loneliness. At my age I’m fine, I’m lonely, nearing the end… I’m taking the normal steps that you take when you’re 87 years old. In a few days I will be 88 years old. I will go as far as it goes.

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