Last generation, raid on Santa Cecilia during Messiah

The Master’s Attack John Nelson to the orchestra for the famous choir “Alleluia” of ‘Messiah‘ From Handel also involuntarily gave the green light for the raid on the stageAuditorium Parco della Musica in Rome to three activists Last generation, while one remained in the audience to film the scene. The four, two boys and two girls Wearing T-shirts with various inscriptions, they entered the Santa Cecilia room in the Renzo Piano building pay for the ticket regularly to attend the concert as a spectator on the billAcademy of Santa Cecilia. The three activists who took the stage sat silently at the foot of the podium next to the four soloists, soprano Sara Blanch, mezzo-soprano Sasha Cooke, tenor Krystian Adam and bass Anthony Robin Schneider, and remained there until the end of the choir, which concludes the second part of Handel’s oratorio. Then one of them tried to speak but was interrupted by the arrival of police who took them away to identify them.

On Ultima Generazione’s Instagram profile, two photos appeared of the young people sitting during the concert, accompanied by the reasons for the gesture. As a sign of our knowledge of the “Messiah” we read that “Haendel uses a bass aria five minutes before “Alleluia” with the following text: “Why do the nations rage together so furiously and why do the people imagine something in vain?” We think about it – scrHere are the activists – a I invite you to work for the peace and serenity of the people, so that the Hallelujah at the end of the second act is truly a message of joy for the whole world.”

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It still is: “We have paused this concert to ask you to pause and observe closely. We all need to reflect on the absurdity of continuing our daily lives in the face of wars, inequalities and disasters caused by the eco-climate emergency. We ask the public to take courage and address the current emergency. “To take responsibility together against another government that takes care of the problems of the population,” the message concludes.

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