Juli Mira, actress from Alicante, dies at the age of 75 | Culture

The actress Juli Mira, in an interview with Agencia EFE in 2022.French Natxo (EFE)

The Alicante actor Juli Mira died this Saturday at the age of 75, as announced by the city council of Alcoi (Alicante), where he was born. Mira is a recognized actress in the Valencian acting scene, having alternated dubbing, film, theater and television throughout her long career.

In 2021 Mira received the Generalitat Valenciana Award for Cultural Merit, in 2019 he was awarded the Valencian Audiovisual Honorary Prize and in 2022 the Alcoi City Council awarded him the Premi 9 d’Octubre. The Alcoi city council expressed its “support and solidarity” to the artist’s family, colleagues and friends in “very painful moments for all who lived and worked alongside him”. For his part, the mayor of the city of Alicante, Toni Francés, has expressed through his social networks that today is “a very sad day”. “Juli Mira, a great actress, a great Alcoyan and a great friend, has left us. He built his productive career through effort, showing not only great interpretive quality but also great human quality. Goodbye, friend,” he wrote.

His extensive career began in 1972 in the group of Alcoyan actors who were fans of the La Cazuela theater. He took part in the film for the first time in the cinema The meaningful life of Father Vicent. For several decades he participated in projects of numerous television channels, both regional channels such as Canal 9 or TV3 and national channels such as Antena 3, Telecinco or TVE. One of his most famous roles is that of Gallardo in the series tell meToni Alcántara’s boss at the newspaper Pueblo. In the series La 1 he appeared in more than 40 chapters.

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He entered the world of acting through his friend Lluís Miquel, from Tabalet, who made him a proposal “that was so dishonest that he accepted it and left the bank,” explained the actor in an interview with the EFE agency in July 2022 . . From 18 to 39 he worked in banking, but combined this with theater. During my vacation I filmed and performed in theaters and thus killed the virus. However, his true ambition has always been to pursue acting.

He played main characters or protagonists in series like Blood inheritance (1995-1996) J At the flower of the skin (1996-1997) for the Valencian regional television Channel 9; crime (1999–2000) for TV3; And Hospital headquarters (2001-2002) for Telecinco, among others. Mira also stood out in the production in roles like Blasco Ibáñez Sorolla letterso and movies com thanks for the tip (1996), by Francesc Bellmunt, The sea (1999), by Agustí Villaronga, o The Dutchman’s Island (2000), by Sigfrid Monleón.

In his role as a voice actor, Mira provided the voice of major international artists such as Marlon Brando, Humphrey Bogart and Peter O’Toole. Marlon Brando was his favorite, he said at the time after dubbing him The Godfather and in The last tango in Paris. “When I came home, my wife would always jokingly say, ‘You didn’t leave Paul (Marlon Brando’s character in Bertolucci’s film) in the studio,’ because I would take him home,” he explained a year and a half ago.

He also confessed that he needed the theater like the gym. “Giving a theater performance from time to time gets me in shape and in a way theater keeps me current.” I do things that I would never have done in my life in the theater and I feel like I’m going back to the beginning .”

Condolences from culture and politics

In the Valencian Community, the Institut Valencià de Cultura (IVC) expressed its condolences to the “family, friends and professional colleagues of the great actor”. “His power of interpretation and his close and human character will always be with us,” he said. The Regional Secretary of Culture and Sports, Paula Añó, reiterated this message on social networks. The Consell Valencian de Cultura (CVC) also “deeply regretted” the death of Mira, whom it described as “one of the best Valencian actresses who have accompanied us in recent decades”. For its part, the Valencian Academy of Audiovisual, of which the actor was an honorary member and this year’s nominee, assured: “It is never easy to say goodbye, but there are people who will always be with us thanks to the work they leave behind us. ” .

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The Association of Actors and Actrius Professionals Valencians (AAPV) has mourned the loss of its “cherished (dear)” partner and expressed its condolences to family and friends. The Mostra de València festival has pointed out that today is “a very sad day”. “For culture.” “The departure of Juli Mira leaves an irreplaceable void in Valencian cinema and theater and an understanding of the profession full of humanity,” he noted.

The president of the Valencian Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, the general secretary of the Valencian Socialists and former president, Ximo Puig, and the parliamentary spokesman of Compromís, Joan Baldoví, have sent words of appreciation to the interpreter from their social networks and transmitted , condolences to the family members .

All the culture that goes with it awaits you here.

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