“I explain what it really means to be successful”

“Man has always been obsessed with success, be it conquests in war or promotions at school, whether it is making a career or increasing the bank account, right down to the models of success that are proposed every day on social media, often short-lived but “cause a stir.” to be accessible to everyone. But it is a successful idea that is always linked to social visibility, never to intimate, personal satisfaction.” This was stated in the interview with AdnKronos by Angelo Greco, civil lawyer and entrepreneur, Calabrian, 50 years old, married, father of a 9- year-old son, author of the book “Fuck success”, subtitle “The anti-motivational to.” underlined “Find your place in the world”, published by Mondadori.

“Success is always weighted quantitatively, never qualitatively,” notes the author. “It is almost never measured by the level of happiness one has achieved or that others have achieved. It is the idea of ​​success that is suggested not to be imposed by society, which makes one forget that one’s success may be something else, lying in other motivations. But can we ignore social conditioning, there them, as the word itself says, conditioned? “You can be successful as long as you remember the fact that renunciation is an essential and active part of success: you achieve essential happiness by giving up everything else and focusing on the real things that are really worth fighting for and to suffer.”

Isn’t it paradoxical that in order to achieve success, which should bring happiness, one is prepared to live an unhappy life, at home as well as at school, in the family as well as at work? “Of course, the paradox is precisely this: we are in danger of reaching a really high level of frustration, which can only lead to a state of sacrifice and, ultimately, sadness. Unlike success, which brings happiness! “Success is the past participle of the verb “to make something happen that makes us happy,” concludes Angelo Greco.

(by Enzo Bonaiuto)

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