How do you dub a cartoon character?

On the occasion of the release of the new Paw Patrol film, singer Aldebert, who lent his voice to one of the characters, answers questions from franceinfo junior.


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5 minutes

The cinema release took place on Wednesday, October 11th: The Super Patrol. This is the second film starring Ryder and the Paw Patrol pups, heroes who are favorites of many young children. In the cast there is the interpretation of the characters of this new film Aldebert, singer, author, composer and voice actor … In the film he dubs Hank’s voice, “A character who works in a car scrapyard” and to whom the adventures told in the film happen. The students at Aretha Franklin College in Drancy (Seine-Saint-Denis) have many questions to ask him about his dubbing work.

At the opening of the show, Katinia wants to know “Where does this desire to do dubbing come from?” It’s Judith’s turn: “How did you feel when you did that for the first time?” asks the student. “When you do the dubs, do you have a little ritual before you do them?” She continues. Cheyma also wonders: “Do you sometimes manage without text?”

On this page, listen to this full-length Franceinfo junior program recorded as part of the media education workshop “The editorial team of Franceinfo Junior”.

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