How did Sugar Man die?

Sixto Rodriguez has died at the age of 81, it was announced on Wednesday, August 9, 2023. What did he die of?

He was late in recognizing the light. Singer Sixto Rodriguez died on Wednesday August 9th, 2023. His death was announced in a press release on his website. According to the 81-year-old, his health has “deteriorated” for several months. The world, which is a reminder that he had gone blind. This American released just two albums during his career in the 1970s and, unaware of his success, lived thousands of miles from his native South Africa, where these tracks are revived in the fight against apartheid and legend has it that Sugar “The Man” has it caught fire on stage or committed suicide.

At that time, thanks to concert organizers, he still managed to give concerts in New Zealand and Australia. He knows nothing about his status in South Africa. He only discovered it in the late 1990s when a man managed to find her in Uncle Sam’s country. African.

A film, sugarman, traced this singer’s unique story in 2013, leading to belated popularity of Sixto Rodriguez, who began touring after the documentary’s release. The latter won the Oscar for Best Documentary in 2013. Sixto Rodriguez has given concerts all over the world for the last decade. What is he supposed to take advantage of, at least for a few years, from a celebrity he only partially knows?

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