Genoa wounded by terrorism and the obscurantist tyranny of Hamas –

From Ernesto Galli from the loggia

The Genoese Column of the Red Brigades tells of Sergio Luzzatto. The Gaza rebels in the book by Asmaa Alghoul and Slim Nassib. And then the problem of God in the light of science according to Michel-Yves Bollor and Olivier Bonnassies

A book that should not be missed, a masterful work, written with, among other things, a captivating narrative tone, this one Sergio Luzzatto: which hasn’t attracted much attention so far (Pain and anger. A History of the Red Brigades, Einaudi, 704 pages, 38 euros). the story of the birth, life and death of the Genoese column of the Red Brigades, which was the first to travel through the decisive stages of the Red Brigades red terrorism, The focus is on the short and desperate life of his young boss Riccardo Dura. Above all, the idea of ​​starting from the true background of the movement is new and important armed fight: Italy of a thousand riots on the way to modernity, set in Genoa in the 1960s, expertly described thanks to extensive documentary material. And hence the port, the factories – with an old communist working class suddenly filling up with clueless immigrants – with the young dissident Catholics grappling with Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, and then the bourgeoisie and the PCI elite with their children who betrayed their fathers, the bad teachers at the university, and then again the thousand places, the schools, the loved ones: the taste of a distance, no matter how close…

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What it was and how we lived there Gaza Before October 7th, a young Palestinian writer, together with a French colleague, told us about it (Asmaa Al-Ghoul and Slim Nassib, The rebel of Gaza, editions and/or, 197 pages, €16.50). Overall, not exactly an open-air prison, you could say: refugee camp, of course, but also star hotels, cozy houses, small restaurants. Against this background, the story of a painful but successful process female emancipation forced to unravel in the clutches of Hamas: omnipresent, oppressive, chauvinistic, sexophobic, determined to coercively control everything; and when it happens, it is also cruel to those who are actually its subjects (not much different from Al Fatah: also very corrupt, with the leaders’ sixteen-year-old children receiving monthly salaries of two to three thousand dollars). And finally Israelwho certainly doesn’t pay any compliments upon his arrival with his soldiers (even if, strangely, these pages never mention the thousands of rockets fired from Gaza at his cities).

But the Italians are interested in something Dio? Maybe, I don’t know, do I know if it exists? In reality, one would say no, given the very little interest the Book of Two finds here scientistfresh from a big success in France (Michel-Yves Bollor and Olivier Bonnassies, Out of
or. The science, the evidence, Edizioni Sonda, 610 pages, €24.90). As we read it, we realize that today the question is about God, about one intelligent design that would have ruled over the origin of the universe and life seems to be primarily the scientific world of cosmological and genetic research: areas in which discoveries have taken place in the last thirty years, which we laypeople have at most noticed, but which many send old atheistic-materialistic certainties in the attic. In summary, it is a text that is structured in a unique way, even if it is very readable for the general reader, full of information that surprises him and from which he finds it difficult to tear himself away.

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March 22, 2024 (modified March 22, 2024 | 8:49 p.m.)

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