Franceinfo Junior. Who was Marie Antoinette?

230 years ago, Marie Antoinette was executed by guillotine. Franceinfo junior looks back on the story of this queen. To answer children’s questions: Cécile Berly, historian, specialist in the 18th century.


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Reading time:
5 minutes

It was 230 years ago: On October 16, 1793, Marie-Antoinette went to the scaffold and was guillotined in Paris a few months after her husband. We talk about it in FranceInfo Junior the historian Céile Berly, specialist in the 18th centurye Century. She is the author of the book Guillotined – Marie-Antoinette, Madame du Barry, Madame Roland, Olympe de Gouge (2023, Editions Passés Composés). She answers questions from students at the Françoise Seligmann College in Paris.

To get started, Noé wants to know first “Who is Marie Antoinette?” Then Djéna is surprised “why she was guillotined”. Hector asks for confirmation about Marie-Antoinette: “Is it true that she got married at 14?” The student also wonders if it was her “really rich”. Bintou wonders if Marie-Antoinette had children. We close with one last question from Hector on the microphone: “Did Marie Antoinette eat a lot of cake?”

On this page, listen to this full-length Franceinfo junior program recorded as part of the media education workshop “The editorial team of Franceinfo Junior”.

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