Few people know about this Netflix site where you can request your favorite series or movie

Is your favorite movie or series you want to watch not available on Netflix? With just a few clicks you can request a program to be added to the streaming platform.

There are two schools of streaming platform subscribers: on the one hand, those who watch the latest news or browse the website in search of their dream show for the evening; on the other hand, those who have a very specific agenda in mind. If you fall into this second category, how many times have you found that your film or series was not available on the streaming platform in question?

However, Netflix has a little-known feature that may be of use to affected subscribers. It is possible to ask the streaming platform to add a program to the catalog that is not online but that you would like to find on the website. There is a special page in Netflix’s online help center where you can request to add a movie or TV series. You then have the opportunity to submit three title suggestions on the platform this link. However, please note that the streaming platform does not respond individually to your request to inform you about the inclusion of your program. Processing this request may also take some time.

Therefore, to find out if your movie or series was added by Netflix based on your request, you need to stay updated with upcoming news on the platform. It is possible to activate notifications or SMS messages on your smartphone or tablet, be reminded of certain titles that will be available soon or receive recommendation emails. The website also highlights the latest new releases or upcoming titles available on its homepage. Finally, Netflix communicates about its new products via social networks.

It is also important to know that certain programs cannot or can no longer be broadcast on Netflix. This is the case with original shows that the platform has decided not to renew due to viewership. In the latter case, there is little chance of seeing a sequel one day. Additionally, rights or licensing issues of a TV series or film may come into play when a program is added or removed from the streaming platform.

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A little tip if you are the happy owner of several subscriptions to different streaming platforms: simply enter a title in Google or on the website Just look Find a film or series that you really want to watch in the evening. These two services detail which websites the program is available on, whether by subscription (Netflix, Prime, Apple TV+, Disney+, MyCanal) or in purchase or rental mode.

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