Brays Efe stars in The Fantastic Case of the Golem, inspired by Wes Anderson and his desire to “break” the algorithms.


Bray’s Efe is the protagonist of the new film by Burnin’ Barnacles (Nando Martínez and Juan González), which adopts an aesthetic similar to Wes Anderson’s films and aims to “break” the internet algorithm because “it doesn’t look for a manual was created”. Script”.

“It’s a film not made for algorithms. It is designed with the viewer in mind and ensures that when they enter the cinema they have a cinematic experience from start to finish,” the actor said in an interview with Europa Press at the presentation. The Fantastic Case del Golem, which opens in theaters this Friday, June 16th.

The actor has confessed that when the script came out he thought it was “something crazy” and even wondered if he didn’t understand what the plot was about. “I thought it was a crazy script where a lot of things happened and I was like, ‘How is this going to be done?'” he hinted.

Regarding Brays Efe’s words about algorithms, the directors agree that this isn’t a “product” based film and defend that different things have to exist “for people to find more spectrum and not everything being chewed up”. “I understand algorithms almost like a product. Suddenly it’s the cinema of vampires, teenagers, etc., and this film itself is a rare bird that gives the viewer the opportunity to discover a different kind of cinema,” he assured. John Gonzalez.

The world of algorithms is one of the main themes in The Fantastic Case of the Golem and as in the film, the directors admit that they don’t know exactly what the term is. “Who knows what the algorithm is? It seems companies are phasing out these algorithms, but even they aren’t entirely clear on what it is. We have now reached a point where, from one day to the next, one suddenly believes that something is important. It is one thing or the other,” emphasized Nando Martínez.

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The directors explain that the film is an “entertaining” film and that in this way they conveyed it to the audiences who attended the Malaga Festival, where it premiered. “People went to the festival prepared to see a different kind of film and it surprised them. Halfway through the movie they realized it was funny and there were moments of laughter,” they commented.

The cast is completed by Bruna Cusí and Javier Botet, as well as Anna Castillo, Luis Tosar, Roberto Álamo and Tito Valverde.


On the other hand, Bays Efe referred to the proposal by PP leader Alberto Núñez Feijoo to abolish the Ministry of Culture. “His proposal is to dissolve the Ministry of Culture and attach it to another. Thank you Feijóo seriously. Fortunately, he has not come to power for the time being,” he explained.

In this sense, Javier Botet has suggested that the measure might be “practical” because he believes that “very little” will be contributed and helped.

“To be honest, because the other way seems more like a sham and doesn’t quite work. Very little is contributed to the arts here in Spain compared to other countries. This is ridiculous,” he assured, before adding that maybe with the expansion of Feijóo, the sector will become very strong as Conan the Barbarian. “Though in the end Conan cuts off the head of whoever makes him strong,” he warned.


On the other hand, Nando Martínez regrets that the film law has not been approved and, together with the film’s other director, Juan González, has indicated that the aid and subsidies provided are “very good”, but they ask that there is more.

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“I wish there was more help and we had a lot more money because that way there would be a lot of interesting proposals and we could see very different and attractive products,” they added.

For the first time, Burnin’ Barnacles have the support of two production companies, Aquí y Allí Films and Sideral, as well as the ICAA, and are grateful for their choice of them and for the freedom they have given them to do what they do wanted to.

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