Between Coldplay and his ex-manager, a concert of legal proceedings – Liberation

The London group was taken to court by its former manager Dave Holmes over “unpaid commissions” and subsequently accused him of reckless spending and demanded £14 million.

Auguste Legros, elected to the Réunion Regional Council in the mid-1980s, used to say: “When you go to the coconut palm, you must have clean buttocks.” A piece of wisdom that Dave Holmes, ex-manager of the group Coldplay, should have thought about when he took the multi-platinum British group to court this summer, demanding £10 million (11.6 million euros). “unpaid commissions”. Maybe the defendants had climbing experience? Nevertheless, they took their time to take revenge: they only announced this in an article on Sunday, October 8th Just that they not only rejected Holmes’ request, but above all also filed a lawsuit against their ex-manager for multiplying expenses, driving up the costs of their recent tours and using his connection to Coldplay to get him kicked out Loans from events giant Live Nation totaling more than £24 million to fund a major real estate project in Western Canada. The group is now seeking £14 million in damages from Holmes.

Mistakes worthy of Spinal Tap

Dave Holmes was Coldplay’s manager from 2005 to 2022, most of the London group’s successful journey that began in the mid-90s but only really took off with the release of their first album. Parachutes in 2000 (more than 13 million copies sold so far). Among the mistakes Coldplay accuses Holmes of is the £7.9 million purchase of a giant video screen that is so large that the group cannot take it on tour (it could not be used on just the ten dates). ). (which the group donated at the Estadio Monumental in Buenos Aires at the end of 2022) and £9 million for sixteen lighting poles, which were also completely unusable. Hikes worthy of a film Spinal tap which doesn’t seem to bother Dave Holmes anymore. A spokesman for the ex-manager explained this “Coldplay’s defense is very fragile and their allegations do not change the heart of the issue: they had a contract with Dave Holmes and are refusing to honor it.” A response from Dave Holmes is now expected. If an agreement cannot be reached between the two parties, the case could go to trial before the end of the month.

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