Are the candidates in a relationship or single?

The 18th season of “L’amour est dans le pré” ended this Monday, November 20, 2023 on M6. So which farmers have found their soulmate thanks to the show?

Love lies on the meadow, it’s over for 2023. The program ended this Monday, November 20th, with the broadcast of the final part of the coverage on M6. After discovering the romantic fates of Jean-Paul, Julien, Roméo, Olivier, Anaïs and David, it is Clément, Perrine, Patrice, Joris, Christine and Charles’ turn to make revelations about their romantic futures.

And suffice it to say, the results of the show this year were rather mixed. Alone Patricia and Justine are still a couple after filming. Still, it wasn’t necessarily a win, as the farmer was upset by his admirer’s behavior and gave her an ultimatum: She had one month to change or there would be a separation. A month later, the M6 ​​cameras revealed that Justine had taken control of herself and the couple had complete love.

For the remainder of the 2023 vintage, the results are bleaker. At the end of these assessments, they are all single except for Julien who found love in the arms of a man other than her admirer Thibault.

Clement It was revealed that he had separated from Manon, his admirer, because he did not feel genuine love for her. Perrine also didn’t find love and, according to Karine Le Marchand, was “not ready.” While Joris seemed to have the perfect love CarineThe feelings eventually subsided, forcing the farmer to break up with his admirer.

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Christine also became single after filming Love lies on the meadow and appeared alone in the balance sheet. Charles and Véronique, this season’s surprise couple, have also split up. The farmer revealed that Patrice’s suitor’s excessive jealousy, as well as a scene with the show’s contestant’s son, put an end to her story.

Lots of breakups

Last week we had that Jean-Paul and Mary separated. AnaisShe has been single since her stay on the farm. Her romance with Thomas, a Swiss computer scientist, ended at the end of filming because their life plans were too different.

Romeo He too has ended his adventure Love lies on the meadow singles. Although he had decided to continue the adventure with Sophie, he came to the conclusion on his own, stating that they were “not meant for each other” and that he had not missed her when they were not together.

Finally, Olivier, a 56-year-old breeder in the Creuse, ultimately did not find love with Corine, who left after just three days. He is still single.

David was one of the unsuccessful candidates this season Love lies on the meadow. The 42-year-old cow breeder had not received any mail at the start of the show or afterwards. But during the assessment, Karine Le Marchand surprised him with a letter from an admirer: that of Kareen, an Alsatian school teacher. The story does not say whether this romance occurred since filming of the report ended.

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