An economic guilt behind the murder of a 25-year-old girl in Ribera d’Ebre

BarcelonaThe Marine’s body appeared more than 270 days ago in a field next to the N-240 road on the way through Móra la Nova (Ribera d’Ebre). He was 25 years old and came from Garcia, a town of 500 people in the same region. His body was found in the early hours of the morning by a passing farmer. The body showed obvious signs of violence: bruises, bumps and holes. From the beginning, Marina’s murder was considered the third femicide of the year in Catalonia (there were already twelve others). The Minister of Equality and Feminism, Tània Verge, condemned from Garcia “a femicide that affects a community, a city and the entire country”. However, the reality is that the Navy’s name does not appear in the 2023 sexist murder count by the Mossos d’Esquadra, nor in the Ministry of Equality and Feminism’s calculation of femicides. In other words, the police investigation has definitively ruled out that the person arrested for the crime killed her because she was his partner or ex-partner (this would be the case in the Mossos count) or that she was murdered because she was a was a woman (in the case of Mossos). would appear in the government’s census).

The day before the body was found, Navy officials reported her missing. He worked in a nursing home in Móra la Nova and his shift ended late, after nine in the evening. He didn’t come home that Wednesday, but his car was still parked right in front of the nursing home. According to some witnesses, Marina left work with a man. A few hours after the body was found, the police arrested him as the suspected perpetrator of the crime: it was a 24-year-old boy from Móra la Nova who is now in custody for the crime. He had at least two previous convictions for sexual assault, most recently at the city’s main festival last year. It was a contradictory profile that the police already had under control. The Marine said they did not know who this boy was, but the Mossos insisted that the victim and his executioner knew each other.

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According to ARA, investigations by the Mossos in these months have confirmed that there was an economic motive behind the crime. Specifically, according to police, the victim owed the alleged murderer a large sum of money and this would have been the trigger that led him to kill her. According to sources close to the investigation, these debts are not related to illegal activities.

they knew each other

The fact that there were these debts in between means that Marina and her murderer knew each other. Although those closest to the victim did not know who the boy the Mossos had arrested was, police investigations were able to confirm that they had sporadic sexual relations and still saw each other occasionally. It was not a stable romantic relationship and never had been. That’s why the investigators never considered them as partners or ex-partners and the murder is not classified as male violence in police statistics. In fact, her case was initially no longer heard in court on grounds of violence against women. The case also does not appear in the femicide count, and sources at the Ministry of Equality and Feminism indicate that they cannot include it because the police investigation did not conclude that this was the case, but rather point in a different direction: that of economic mobilization and the fight against feminism in a non-sentimental way. It would be the 15th femicide of the year, three more than in all of 2022.

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