Alessandro Borghese 4 restaurants? “I will betray behind the scenes. Him on set..”

Alessandro Borghese 4 Ristoranti, the cult show from Sky and TV8 has reached its ninth edition (Image credit Sky)

Alessandro Borghese 4 Ristoranti, behind the scenes of the TV ratings champion show

“Alessandro Borghese 4 Ristoranti” is one of the cult shows on Sky-TV8 and a champion of TV ratings, so much so that it celebrates its ninth season this year. But what does the program look like behind the scenes? Does what you see on TV reflect the reality of the race? One of the participants – Giorgio Caruso, owner of Lievità Winner of his bet (Best gourmet pizzeria in Milan in the tenth episode of the fourth season) – digital food magazine Dissapore shared some interesting aspects behind the scenes.

Alessandro Borghese 4 restaurants, the prize for the winner? “Bank transfer within 3 months”

Let’s start with the prize money of 5,000 euros that will be awarded to the winner of the episode. “With a bank transfer, it will reach the winner’s bank account within three months of the broadcast,” says Giorgio Caruso. More than the absolute value of the award is the return of the image and popularity that the broadcast in Alessandro Borghese 4 Ristoranti brings. Not only. “There is little money, ovens and tools…they are expensive…but when spent on these things…they can send a positive signal to the workforce.” And with the profit, the owner of Lievità bought a machine that precisely controls the dough.

“Everything is easier with Alessandro Borghese on set”

The TV Alessandro Borghese is a master, as Riccardo Monco (3 Michelin stars) said in a recent interview with “It’s like watching the great football champions…,” said the celebrity chef judge (Lautaro Martinez and Inter show: Riccardo Monco’s Scudetto recipe, here is the interview). But behind the scenes? Giorgio Caruso reveals: “He moves with great naturalness on set…” Everything was easier with him on set… you can also feel his good experience in professional kitchens.”

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Alessandro Borghese 4 restaurants the secret vote

Are the discussions about the courts real or are they meant to be re-enacted? “The writers… give the line, then we go unscripted… including the commands.”

The four participants in Alessandro Borghese’s program also feel the enthusiasm that viewers feel when voting (“Nothing has been decided yet, as my voice is missing that could confirm or completely reverse the situation”): Nothing is revealed and everything remains secret until the finale. Finally, there are the cooking and entertainment costs: These are borne by the individual restaurateur participant.

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