Alcohol: the great French hypocrisy?


To update

For the Franceinfo talk show this Monday September 18th. Ludovic Pauchant welcomes Thomas Pitrel, author of “General Tour, France and alcohol”, Charlotte Peyronnet, alcoholic, teetotaler, author of “And you, why do you drink?”, Gaëlle Raux, co-founder of the Coude movement à -Coude and Géraldine Hallot , journalist in the investigative department of Radio France.

In November 2022, on the occasion of the Rugby World Cup currently taking place in France, the Directorate General of Health commissioned Santé Publique France to implement an alcohol consumption prevention campaign.

Although the entire campaign was ready for broadcast, it was rejected, according to the Ministry of Health Information from Radio France’s investigative unit. This blockage does not surprise associations like SOS Addiction, which denounce the pressure from the wine industry lobby.

An alcohol culture in France with real dangers

In his work General tour, France and alcohol (ed. Flammarion), co-authored with Victor Le Grand, Thomas Pitrel highlights the presence of alcohol in the daily lives of the French. Whether on café terraces, at meetings between heads of state, in our homes, alcohol is everywhere. In eleven chapters and numerous testimonies, the authors provide an original view of the French people’s relationship with these alcoholic beverages.

However, one should remember that alcohol poses real dangers and risks. Charlotte Peyronnet, an alcoholic who has been abstinent for two and a half years, wrote a work entitled And you, why are you drinking? which will be published by Denoël in January 2024. A testimony exploring the origins of her alcoholism, from her first drink to her last, her journey and her battle with alcohol.

Although alcohol is an integral part of our culture in France, many movements and associations promote the inclusion of “non-alcoholic food” in the bistronomy and festive environment. This is the case with the “Coude-à-Coude” movement, co-founded by Gaëlle Raux.

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