Children’s literature and self-censorship: resist! – Liberation

Children’s literature and self-censorship: resist!  – Liberation

The editorial by Marie-Aude Murail Libération uses the colors and texts of youth for the Montreuil Book Fair, which opens its doors on November 29th. When I was a teenager, my father picked up a novel from his library for me to read. It was Monsieur de Balzac’s walking stick by Delphine de Girardin, published […]

“Kouaf Kouaf”, the dog that looks like everything but nothing – Liberation

“Kouaf Kouaf”, the dog that looks like everything but nothing – Liberation

Every week, Libération reviews the latest news on children’s books. Today, Charlie decides to change his appearance as his morals are strained by a physique he can no longer support. But is other people’s advice necessarily the best? There are days like that when you feel damn ugly. But really not nice at all. Charlie […]

Isabelle Simler and the jobs in her pocket – Libération

Isabelle Simler and the jobs in her pocket – Libération

Every week, Libération reviews the latest news on children’s books. Today an album that will fill the pockets of the plumber or beekeeper and allow you to discover a whole field of tools. Tell me what you have in your pockets and I will tell you who you are. This is a bit the principle […]