Fatou Diome, Freedom of Writing

Fatou Diome, Freedom of Writing

“We write because we couldn’t live without it.” With these words Fatou Diome speaks about her passion for writing in her latest novel. (Repeat from July 9th, 2023) The successful French-Senegalese writer, translated into twenty languages, returns with a book in the form of a plea for literature and the freedom of writers. She denounces […]

The Gallery of Writing opens in the Egyptian Museum

The Gallery of Writing opens in the Egyptian Museum

Starting tomorrow, December 22nd, the Egyptian Museum of Turin will reveal to visitors a new piece of its soul: a route that winds through the thousand square meters of the writing gallery set up on the third floor, which houses 248 artifacts, for a journey in 10 sections to the origins of the writings of […]

The Writing Gallery opens in the Egyptian Museum

The Writing Gallery opens in the Egyptian Museum

AGI – The Egyptian Museum of Turin is being enriched with new rooms. The third floor will reopen with the new design of the Writing Gallery. There are 248 finds on a thousand square meters, a journey in ten stages to the origins of the writings of ancient Egypt that goes back four thousand years. […]

“I am happy to have dedicated my life to writing songs”

“I am happy to have dedicated my life to writing songs”

MADRID, 12th Dic. (EUROPA PRESS) – This Tuesday, December 12, the musician Joan Manuel Serrat received the Medal of Honor of the SGAE during an event in which he expressed that he is “happy to have dedicated his life to writing and singing songs,” which he continues to do so “in private” and in public” […]

“Writing can save your life”

“Writing can save your life”

One day in high school, a teacher asked Jon Fosse to read aloud. Loud? The thought frightened him so much that he jumped out of his chair and ran out of the classroom. The now 64-year-old Norwegian playwright and novelist overcame his phobia and was able to read in front of an assembled audience in […]

Der Börsengang des Stiftherstellers Flair Writing war am ersten Angebotstag vollständig gezeichnet

Das erste Aktienverkaufsangebot des Stiftherstellers Flair Writing Industries war am ersten Angebotstag am Mittwoch vollständig gezeichnet und beendete den Handel mit dem 2,17-fachen der Zeichnung. Nach Angaben der NSE gingen beim Börsengang Angebote für Aktien gegenüber angebotenen Aktien ein. Der Teil für Privatanleger (RIIs) wurde 2,86-mal gezeichnet, während die Quote für nicht-institutionelle Anleger […]

Jean-Philippe Toussaint, the great chessboard of his life and his writing

Jean-Philippe Toussaint, the great chessboard of his life and his writing

Jean-Philippe Toussaint was born in Brussels in 1957. He is a writer, filmmaker and photographer. He is the author of eighteen books published by Éditions de Minuit. Winner of the 2005 Médicis Prize for Fulking and the December 2009 Prize for The Truth About Mary. His novels have been translated into more than twenty languages. […]