After decades in the shadows, the Caravaggio del Prado regains its new light

After decades in the shadows, the Caravaggio del Prado regains its new light

The restoration of “David Defeats Goliath” rescues the master’s chiaroscuro hidden beneath layers of dirt and paint “David Defeats Goliath” by Caravaggio before and after restoration (left to right) Prado Museum December 19, 2023 Updated on December 20, 2023 at 3:46 a.m. A few weeks ago there was an empty frame without a canvas in […]

Shadows of Oblivion Remastered-Rezension (PS5)

Shadows of Oblivion Remastered-Rezension (PS5)

Einst ein mythischer Held und einer der Aushängeschilder des legendären Voodoo-Grafikbeschleunigers, der vom nicht mehr existierenden 3DFX entwickelt wurde, schlitterte Turok nicht so langsam, aber sicher in die Vergessenheit. Während die Namen „Quake“ und „Doom“ in modernen Generationen bekannt sind, die die glorreichen Tage der FPS-Szene der frühen 2000er Jahre noch nicht erlebt haben, ist […]

Lara Parker, Dark Shadows Star, mit 84 Jahren tot

Lara Parker, Dark Shadows Star, mit 84 Jahren tot

Ähnlich wie ihre Soap-Kollegin Barbara Crampton (Leanna Love, „The Young and the Restless“) liebte auch Lara Parker, deren Geburtsname Mary Lamar Rickey war, ihre Horrorrollen, insbesondere ihre Zeit bei „Dark Shadows“. Sie trat 1971 sogar im Kino-Spin-off „Die Nacht der dunklen Schatten“ auf und hatte 2012 einen Cameo-Auftritt in der unglaublich schrecklichen Kinoadaption mit Johnny […]

Lara Parker, Star der Fernsehserie „Dark Shadows“, ist im Alter von 84 Jahren gestorben

Lara Parker, Star der Fernsehserie „Dark Shadows“, ist im Alter von 84 Jahren gestorben

Lara Parker, die in ABCs Gothic-TV-Seifenoper „Dark Shadows“ die intelligente und hinterlistige Hexe Angelique Bouchard spielte, ist am Donnerstag im Alter von 84 Jahren in ihrem Haus in LA gestorben. Parkers „Dark Shadows“-Co-Star Kathryn Leigh Scott teilte die Neuigkeiten in einem Facebook-Beitrag mit. „Ich habe eine traurige Nachricht … meine schöne, geliebte Freundin Lara Parker […]

the powerful women who led the church out of the shadows

the powerful women who led the church out of the shadows

At a time when he was baptized as “Saeculum Obscura” (“Edad Obscura”), he was christened by El Throne of Saint Peter a total of 48 popes in just over 150 years (from 880 to 1046). Treason, murder and position buying monopolized them Everyday life in Rome. However, the period corresponding to the 9th and 10th […]

Louis-Ferdinand Despreez emerges from the shadows for the first time

Louis-Ferdinand Despreez emerges from the shadows for the first time

The South African writer Louis-Ferdinand Despreez, who was active alongside Nelson Mandela’s ANC, was an advisor to several African heads of state. From his home in Pretoria, he traveled the African continent for thirty years from Cape Town to Cairo and from Zanzibar to São Tomé. He now lives on a boat in the Indian […]

the shadows of the empire where the sun never set

the shadows of the empire where the sun never set

Where there is light, there are shadows. And where there was a realm where the sun never set, there was also an equally vast opposite into which the light never reached. Without falling into the Black Legend or the usual clichés, the author Sandra Aza signs the novel “Blood Libel” (Planet), whose plot moves through […]

Emilio de Justo and Ginés Marín illuminate the shadows of Zalduendo

Emilio de Justo and Ginés Marín illuminate the shadows of Zalduendo

The man from Cáceres, from the good times, deserves two ears; The man from Badajoz achieves the best of the mood of his locals in the brave bullfight Emilio de Justo, in a right hand to the second bull BMF 08/25/2023 Updated at 11:40 p.m. The bulls didn’t want to attack, nor did the horse […]