The young talents of the EvolveArt competition were rewarded

The young talents of the EvolveArt competition were rewarded

Technology and innovation in the energy transition, this is the basic theme of the EvolveArt competition, which is promoted by the MAIRE Foundation in collaboration with the Association of Friends of the Biennale of Art Schools (ABiLiArt) and the National Network of Art Schools. Over 280 students from 50 art schools in 18 Italian regions […]

Quebecer Kevin Lambert was rewarded for “Let Our Joy Remain.”

Quebecer Kevin Lambert was rewarded for “Let Our Joy Remain.”

The Medici Prize was awarded on Thursday, November 9th to Canadian author Kevin Lambert “Let our joy remain”, to once again pay homage to this rising star of Quebec literature. The 31-year-old author had already won the December Prize at the end of October, another of the fall’s prestigious literary prizes, with this story of […]

Neige Sinno rewarded for “Sad Tiger”.

Neige Sinno rewarded for “Sad Tiger”.

The Femina Prize was awarded on Monday November 6th to Neige Sinno for her novel sad tiger, Story of the incest she was a victim of as a child and essay on sexual violence. Neige Sinno, who was considered the favorite for this award and is also a finalist for the Goncourt Prize, received 9 […]