Science cannot prove the existence of God –

Science cannot prove the existence of God –

From CARLO ROVELLI and GIUSEPPE TANZELLA-NITTI The idea arises that the research results can support the hypothesis of a deity as the creator of the universe. But that’s not the case: a physicist and a theologian explain why When it became clear in the middle of the last century, this became clear The universe we […]

Vitoria, the first test of “El Conquistador”

Vitoria, the first test of “El Conquistador”

Saturday, September 9, 2023, 7:05 p.m | Updated at 7:33 p.m. comment Copy link Whatsapp Facebook Twitter LinkedIn telegram San Prudencio Street and the Teatro Principal de Vitoria were the scene of the first test for the participants of “El Conquistador”, the program that aired 18 years ago on Basque public television and is undoubtedly […]