Pompeii introduces its “industrial” bakery

Pompeii introduces its “industrial” bakery

AGI – Donkey blindfolded, tied up and forced to follow the furrows made on the ground for hours. Slaves confined in a confined environment without outside views, with small windows with iron bars that let in some light. A prisoner state for youPeople and animals forced to grind grain which are needed every day to […]

The Pompeii shawls arrive

The Pompeii shawls arrive

We saw many scarves for sale in the shops attached to the museums. Reproductions of well-known and well-known works of art. They are the wealthier brothers of the souvenir in the form of a postcard or magnet. A step up from the canvas bag, a few steps down from vintage jewelry replicas. So. But even […]

Pompeii, expansion of the “buffer zone”: green light for the proposal

Pompeii, expansion of the “buffer zone”: green light for the proposal

The World Heritage Committee has agreed to the proposal to expand the so-called buffer zone of UNESCO Site 829 “Archaeological areas of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata”, at the end of a process that lasted about 10 years. In the territory of the new buffer zone, which today reaches a total area of ​​17.26 square […]

Pompeii so that together we can improve the archaeological site – Corriere.it

Pompeii so that together we can improve the archaeological site – Corriere.it

From GABRIEL ZUCHTRIEGEL, Director of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii Gabriel Breeding’s Response, Director of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, to Andrea Carandini’s contribution to the “Corriere della Sera” Yes The dead souls by Nicolaj Gogol, a scammer tries to buy serfs that don’t exist except on paper. In the story of Pompeii told by […]

Pompeii, room discovered in Civita Giuliana reconstructing the life of the slaves

Pompeii, room discovered in Civita Giuliana reconstructing the life of the slaves

was The furniture of a slave room was found in the Roman Villa Civita Giuliana, about 600 meters from the walls of ancient Pompeii. It looks like a photograph denouncing a situation of precariousness and subordination. However, it is an image from almost 2000 years ago, made using the casting technique and only exists in […]

Reconstructs the life of the slaves in Pompeii [VIDEO]

Reconstructs the life of the slaves in Pompeii [VIDEO]

AGI – One new room with its furnishings intended for slaves. It is the latest “surprise” from the ongoing excavations at the Roman villa of Civita Giuliana, about 600 meters from the walls of ancient Pompeii. A situation of insecurity and subordination documented by unique finds, because they were where they were on that day […]

In Stabia, the “little Pompeii”, new treasures come to light

In Stabia, the “little Pompeii”, new treasures come to light

They were probably under the illusion that the worst was over. The inhabitants of the Roman city of Esstabia, south of Mount Vesuvius, wanted to return to their homes and the gardens of their villas. But they were wrong. After a brief pause in the ash and lapilli falls, the AD 79 eruption of Mount […]

unveiled the logo in Pompeii

unveiled the logo in Pompeii

The official logo that will accompany the candidacy of Italian cuisine for UNESCO Intangible Heritage was unveiled in Pompeii, in the amphitheater of the archaeological area. In the foreground, a chef’s hand holds a large frying pan over the fire, from which emerges in the form of a wisp of smoke, some delicacies of Italian […]

Between gladiators and immersive technology, Pompeii is reborn in Barcelona

Between gladiators and immersive technology, Pompeii is reborn in Barcelona

An exhibition of original pieces from the Archaeological Museum of Naples at the Naval Museum commemorates the last days of the Roman city One of the sculptures from the Farnese Collection on display in the exhibition ART INVESTMENT PARTNER 05/31/2023 Updated at 8:38 p.m. You cross the threshold, put on the virtual reality glasses and […]