The pianist from Vitoria who found the key to overcoming bullying

The pianist from Vitoria who found the key to overcoming bullying

“You have become a pianist.” This was the comment that the nurses made to the mother of Pedro Aginagalde (Vitoria, 1999), a newborn. “My mother told me that because she moved her hands and fingers a lot,” says the musician, who is completing a master’s degree at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague with a […]

Kathy Mépuis: “We must overcome disability through art”

Kathy Mépuis: “We must overcome disability through art”

Nothing stands in the way of dancing – not even a physical or mental disability. Strengthened by this conviction, the French dancer, choreographer and teacher Kathy Mépuis creates The possible escape. His association has been committed to the integration of people with disabilities through the performing arts for more than 15 years. Kathy Mépuis (center) […]

“I’m bringing ‘Loose Cannons’ to the theater, the fear has been overcome,” at the Ambra Jovinelli in Rome

“I’m bringing ‘Loose Cannons’ to the theater, the fear has been overcome,” at the Ambra Jovinelli in Rome

“When the idea of ​​theatricalizing the film took shape “Loose Cannons”The first question I asked myself was: How do I transport feelings, melancholic moments, laughter onto the stage? And the search for an answer scared me a little…” The director “confesses” this Ferzan Ozpetekinvolved in the direction of “Mine vaganti”, with Francesco Pannofino and Simona […]

Two years later, cinemas in Girona once again exceeded one million spectators

Two years later, cinemas in Girona once again exceeded one million spectators

The Cinemas in Girona They exceeded that again in 2022 Millions of viewers, two years later. According to the 2023 SGAE Performing, Musical and Audiovisual Arts Yearbook, unveiled this week, the province’s twenty venues sold 1,102,388 tickets for a collection of 7,111,795 euros. Figures that allow us to give a little hope to a sector […]

Taigue Ahmed or how to overcome the trauma of war through dance

Taigue Ahmed or how to overcome the trauma of war through dance

It’s a job he’s been doing since he was a child. Today, Chadian choreographer and dancer Tagué Ahmed works with the most vulnerable populations, particularly in refugee camps. His project “A World of Camps” is presented this week as part of the Festival de la Place and its African Week, organized by the Théâtre de […]

“I overcome pain with meditation”

“I overcome pain with meditation”

After a few months away from social networks, the composer published a photo on Instagram showing him lying on the bed in his room, holding a kitten in his arms Giovanni Allevi resurfaces on social media and with a post on Instagram he talks about his battle with myeloma, which was diagnosed a year ago. […]

Kathy Mépuis: “We must overcome the handicap of the artistic”

Kathy Mépuis: “We must overcome the handicap of the artistic”

Nothing stands in the way of dancing – not even a physical or mental disability. With this belief, French dancer, choreographer and educator Kathy Mépuis created La Possible Échappée. For more than 15 years, his association has been committed to the integration of people with disabilities through the performing arts. This Tuesday evening (June 13) […]

Let’s rediscover it to overcome our feeling of emptiness –

Let’s rediscover it to overcome our feeling of emptiness –

From JOHN BAZOLI We publish the speech of Giovanni Bazoli, President Emeritus of Casa Manzoni, on the occasion of President Sergio Mattarella’s visit to the House Museum in Milan on the 150th anniversary of the writer’s death Mr President, your presence here today is a tribute to one of the key figures in our history. […]