„Wicked Little Letters“ – Clapter: Der Film

„Wicked Little Letters“ – Clapter: Der Film

„Wicked Little Letters“ könnte The Critical Drinker aus dem Multiplex ins Kunsthaus ziehen. Das würde passieren, wenn Ken Loach versuchen würde, eine Komödie nach einem Drehbuch von John Oliver und Hannah Gadsby zu inszenieren. Jede Szene und jede Zeile scheint schamlos darauf ausgelegt zu sein, sowohl Applaus als auch Gelächter bei den Zuschauern hervorzurufen, von […]

Queer-Superhelden-Parodie „The People’s Joker“ beginnt inmitten „freundschaftlicher“ Gespräche mit Warner Bros.; „Wicked Little Letters“, eine britische Komödie mit R-Rating, kommt weit – Spezialvorschau

Queer-Superhelden-Parodie „The People’s Joker“ beginnt inmitten „freundschaftlicher“ Gespräche mit Warner Bros.;  „Wicked Little Letters“, eine britische Komödie mit R-Rating, kommt weit – Spezialvorschau

„The People’s Joker“ von Vera Drew – der 2022 wegen „Rechtsproblemen“ von TIFF zurückgezogen wurde – feiert heute sein Kinodebüt im IFC Center, wechselt am nächsten Wochenende in LAs Landmark’s Nuart und wird danach mit bisher etwa 85 Buchungen ausgeweitet – ein schönes Ergebnis für die Mixed-Media-Coming-of-Age-Parodie auf dunkle Superhelden, die „hatte […]

The rediscovered letters of Norberto Bobbio

The rediscovered letters of Norberto Bobbio

Bobbio begins his collaboration with MicroMega, the magazine of culture, politics, science and philosophy, directed since the first issue by Paolo Flores d’Arcais and supported by Cinzia Sciuto since December 2022. The collaboration is punctuated by correspondence between Bobbio and Flores, as is often the case between a director and one of his most famous […]

Poste, an autonomous vehicle for delivering packages and letters

Poste, an autonomous vehicle for delivering packages and letters

ROME – Delivering packages and letters to your home by an autonomous vehicle could soon become a reality. Poste Italiane is working on it and intends to start a trial soon. The tender for the award of the project ends on January 22nd. The initiative is part of Mission 4 of the National Recovery and […]

The Falla mailbox has been updated and a tribute book has been added

The Falla mailbox has been updated and a tribute book has been added

Coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the Work “The Altarpiece of Master Pedro” by Manuel de FallaThe Cervantes Institute’s mailbox containing the composer’s “in memory” estate was opened to replace a manuscript of the legendary score with a facsimile reproduction, to which the book “How many trumpets sound” is attached. The manuscript, handwritten in ink […]

Hollywood letters, emblems of American 7th art, celebrate their 100th anniversary

Hollywood letters, emblems of American 7th art, celebrate their 100th anniversary

From Le Figaro with – Published 23 minutes ago, To update just As a symbol of the American film industry, the nine letters celebrated their 100th birthdaye Birthday Friday. MIKE BLAKE / REUTERS The world’s nine most famous letters were illuminated on Friday evening to celebrate their 100th anniversary. The real estate billboard is one […]

Joyce, Dirty Love Letters – La Stampa

Joyce, Dirty Love Letters – La Stampa

James Joyce was a dissolute lover, stylistically at least, and loved only one woman, his wife Nora, whom he met at a young age in Dublin and with whom he fled to Trieste (they married much later). ). He certainly did not measure his words in the letters he wrote to her before they set […]

„Letters of Suresh“ bei Curious

„Letters of Suresh“ bei Curious

Als das Drama „Letters of Suresh“ des Dramatikers Rajiv Joseph beginnt, ist Pater Hashimoto seit zwei Wochen tot. In der nuancierten Produktion der Curious Theatre Company (bis 9. Dezember) sitzt seine Großnichte Melody Park (Desirée Mee Jung) in ihrem Wohnzimmer in Seattle und schreibt einen Brief an einen Mann namens Suresh, um ihn darüber zu […]