Boubacar Sangaré films everyday life in a gold mine in Burkina Faso

Boubacar Sangaré films everyday life in a gold mine in Burkina Faso

A group of boys go on an adventure, far from the city, far from their parents. It feels like one of those stories by Mark Twain set in 19th century America, the one about gold fever and cowboys. But the story that Boubacar Sangaré tells us in his film Gold of life (in cinemas from […]

“For once it’s about alternative realities in everyday life, not about superheroes”

“For once it’s about alternative realities in everyday life, not about superheroes”

In Dark Matter, Joel Edgerton embodies multiple possibilities for the same character. The series, based on a successful science fiction novel by Blake Crouch, takes us into multiple realities, the universe of possibilities. An elegant and enigmatic 10-episode series arriving on Apple TV+ on Wednesday. Published on 05/05/2024 09:04 Reading time: 2 minutes Joel Edgerton […]

between adventure and everyday life, a delightful and captivating novel

between adventure and everyday life, a delightful and captivating novel

Titiou Lecoq’s third novel, A Golden Era, explores contemporary France with a cynical and laughing eye. An entertaining and political story that should not be missed. France Télévisions – cultural editorial team Published on April 4, 2024 5:53 p.m Reading time: 4 minutes Author Titiou Lecoq publishes “A Golden Era” on April 4th with L’Iconoclaste. […]

Enric Franch, design between everyday life and culture | Culture

Enric Franch, design between everyday life and culture |  Culture

Last night we left Enric Franch, an important reference in the world of design, intellectual and at the same time creative, although unfortunately little known due to his introspective nature. He was born in Barcelona in 1943 and graduated from the Barcelona School of Social Sciences. In 1968 he began his activity as an industrial […]

When the women of L’Escala sang to brighten up their everyday lives

When the women of L’Escala sang to brighten up their everyday lives

In 1929 she became a poet, composer and folklorist Palmira Jaquetti (1895-1963) He spent two stays in L’Escala on behalf of theWork by the popular Catalan songwriterto collect popular musical heritage. That’s why he primarily interviewed about fifteen fishermen and farmers’ women who passed on their beloved songs. He chose only three of the men. […]

Beating Alabès and everyday leadership when it is exceptional

Beating Alabès and everyday leadership when it is exceptional

GIRONAThe greatest merit of Girona’s leadership, with Míchel’s team once again sole leaders of the Primera Division thanks to the win against Alabès (3-0), is the fact that they managed to do something extraordinary every day. Extraordinary means the extraordinary, the common. As everyday, which is everyday. It wasn’t normal that the White-Reds were amazed […]

“Ham, Bacon and the Way” examines this everyday charcuterie

“Ham, Bacon and the Way” examines this everyday charcuterie

Ham has been part of our diet since childhood and is the star of aperitifs, quick dinners and picnics. It is part of the daily life of the French, who consume an average of 3 kg per year. To better understand this part of our heritage, Raphaëlle Hirsch-Doran examined its diverse forms. We take a […]