“The Blank of the Cards”, the other side half empty – Liberation

“The Blank of the Cards”, the other side half empty – Liberation

The geographers Sylvain Genevois and Matthieu Noucher deal with the forgotten or neglected spaces of the planispheres. “If there is nothing, there is something.” This sounds like a line from a play by Samuel Beckett, but the reflection comes from two geographers, Sylvain Genevois and Matthieu Noucher. Faced with the blank of about forty cards […]

Offizieller Trailer zum persönlichen Dokument „Little Empty Boxes“ über Demenz

Offizieller Trailer zum persönlichen Dokument „Little Empty Boxes“ über Demenz

Offizieller Trailer zum persönlichen Dokument „Little Empty Boxes“ über Demenz von Alex Billington 25. März 2024Quelle: Youtube „Erkrankungen wie Alzheimer beginnen lange bevor die Symptome auftreten. Die Frage ist: Was tun Sie dagegen?“ Abramorama veröffentlicht bald diesen kraftvollen Dokumentarfilm mit dem Titel Kleine leere Kisten, ein sehr persönlicher Film über Demenz vom Autor Max Lugavere. […]

Drawing the Void – New Spain

Drawing the Void – New Spain

The depression accompanied him throughout his life Virginia Woolf, since she was still a child and blamed herself for her mother’s death, but she found a way to live with the illness through literature. Her books were fictions that subtly glided through those episodes in which fear alternated with an impossible-to-fill emptiness, with the fear […]

The far-right protest in Ferraz subsides the day after the riots

The far-right protest in Ferraz subsides the day after the riots

MadridThe Spaniards gathered again last night in front of the PSOE de Ferraz headquarters in Madrid, although in much smaller numbers, and unlike the last two days, which ended in open combat, the day ended without incident in the end of this edition. The explicit condemnation of the violent actions by the President of the […]

The Itinera Festival fills empty Spain with music

The Itinera Festival fills empty Spain with music

Roll, roll and keep rolling. There are more and more areas in which… The Itinera Festival bus stopsand brings high-quality culture to the smallest towns in depopulated Spain. In just three years, the most traveling festival has managed to be present in five autonomous communities, to be a budding project in six territories and, with […]

The story of a Basque with an empty stomach in El Conquistador

The story of a Basque with an empty stomach in El Conquistador

Friday, October 6, 2023, 8:28 a.m comment Copy link Whatsapp Facebook X LinkedIn telegram From the very beginning, Gorka’s calling card in El Conquistador left no one indifferent. And this 28-year-old Oiartzuarra defined himself as extroverted and “hesitant,” a lover of bumping and “salsa and girls who hesitate.” “My friends call me an embedded predator,” […]

Empty seats and guests fall: Bayreuth, at the first sign of exhaustion

Empty seats and guests fall: Bayreuth, at the first sign of exhaustion

Bayreuth (Germany) is probably together with Wacken “the most German” what the European summer has to offer in terms of festivals. For almost a century and a half, the Wagner elite have come to Bayreuth in Bavaria every year from July 25th to the end of August. Wacken, an idyllic small town in the north, […]

Overwhelming government of Luque in an empty bullfight

Overwhelming government of Luque in an empty bullfight

A Sunday was enough for half of Spain to produce nightmares in the longest night. A life long. Without poems or dreams by Benedetti. The long faces of yesterday’s grandstands contrasted with those of 23-J. Then the Frankenstein fans gathered and simulated ultimate happiness while celebrating on the square a scarf that didn’t make it […]

KVIFF 2023: Iranische Liebesgeschichte „Empty Nets“ von Behrooz Karamizade

KVIFF 2023: Iranische Liebesgeschichte „Empty Nets“ von Behrooz Karamizade

KVIFF 2023: Iranische Liebesgeschichte „Empty Nets“ von Behrooz Karamizade von Alex Billington 9. Juli 2023 Es gibt eine wachsende Zahl überzeugender junger iranischer Filmemacher, die das iranische Kino neu beleben und neu denken. Das ist genau das, was das iranische Kino jetzt braucht, und ich bin froh, dass sie so interessante Filme machen. Es sind […]