Hollywood actors join screenwriters in strike – TV Courier

Hollywood actors join screenwriters in strike – TV Courier

(LaPresse) Leaders of the union that brings together Hollywood actors have voted to join screenwriters in the first joint strike in more than six decades and halt production in the entertainment industry after talks over a new deal with studios and streaming companies services have been discontinued. Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, chief executive of the Screen Actors […]

Michael J. Fox Receives Lifetime Achievement Award – TV Courier

Michael J. Fox Receives Lifetime Achievement Award – TV Courier

Present with the actor are his wife Tracy Pollan and daughters Schuyler Frances and Aquinnah Kathleen (LaPresse) Michael J. Fox received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Museum of the Moving Image (MoMI) in New York. Joining the actor, who has battled Parkinson’s disease for years, is his wife Tracy Pollan and daughters Schuyler Frances […]

Ex-lightweight lands hook and punch to back TV Courier

Ex-lightweight lands hook and punch to back TV Courier

The Miami Heat mascot, protagonist in the NBA Finals with Denver, was hospitalized after UFC legend Conor McGregor knocked her down with a brutal left hook in Game 4. The former lightweight champion and feather found themselves protagonists on the floor to promote his cryotherapy pain spray before “Burnie,” as the mascot is known, approaches […]

“That’s why I came from Wild Moss. I don’t play the game» – TV Courier

“That’s why I came from Wild Moss.  I don’t play the game» – TV Courier

Luis Sal breaks the silence and speaks after Fedez’s statements. “There has been enough talk about Fedez,” Luis explains in a video posted to the Muschio Selvaggio YouTube channel. “This shouldn’t have been another place where he was talked about.” I point this out to you as a friend often and in many ways. Commentators […]

Fünf Dinge: Kongressabgeordnete von Cincinnati stimmen mit „Ja“ zur Erhöhung der Schuldenobergrenze; Courier enthüllt die Gewinner von Fast 55

Fünf Dinge: Kongressabgeordnete von Cincinnati stimmen mit „Ja“ zur Erhöhung der Schuldenobergrenze;  Courier enthüllt die Gewinner von Fast 55

Guten Morgen, Cincinnati. Hier sind die fünf Dinge, die Sie wissen müssen, um Ihren arbeitsreichen Arbeitstag zu beginnen. Die Delegation von Cincinnati im US-Repräsentantenhaus stimmte einstimmig für eine Vereinbarung, um einen Zahlungsausfall des Landes zu verhindern, indem die Obergrenzen für die Kreditaufnahme für die nächsten zwei Jahre ausgesetzt werden, um bereits entstandene Ausgaben zu decken […]

“The courier woke me up at 9:30 am”, social storm on Micol Incorvaia

“The courier woke me up at 9:30 am”, social storm on Micol Incorvaia

Micol Incorvaia: “It’s difficult to pick up the rhythms after the Gf Vip” and her friend Edoardo Tavassi makes fun of her on social media Micol Incorvaia, competitor of the latest installment of Big Brother Vip, is struggling to return to normal after so many months of being closed at Italy’s most spied house. Because […]