Artus claims that no luxury brand agreed to dress the film crew – Libération

Artus claims that no luxury brand agreed to dress the film crew – Libération

The filmmaker regretted this Saturday, May 11, at the microphone of France Inter that no luxury brand had lent outfits to his actors, most of whom were unknown and had disabilities. Filmmaker Artus and the actors with intellectual disabilities in his successful film A little extra will take the steps of the Cannes Film Festival […]

Llagostera claims the legacy of Ramon Motjé, the “truck driver artist”

Llagostera claims the legacy of Ramon Motjé, the “truck driver artist”

The Sala Can Roure and the Llagostera retirement home They welcome until next February 4th the exhibition Ramon Motje. The Trucker Artistwhich collects drawings and comics from Ramon Motjethe puppeteer, the He has been publishing his jokes for more than forty years Llagostera newsletter. The exhibition, curated by Joan Ventura Brugulat and Mariona Puigbaldoyrawas organized […]

Actor Russell Crowe claims he is descended from the last man beheaded in the UK

Actor Russell Crowe claims he is descended from the last man beheaded in the UK

Updated Friday, January 5, 2024 – 09:43 Crowe says he is descended from Simon Fraser, the 11th Lord Lovat and the last beheaded man in the land. Russell Crowe and Gladiator New Zealand actor Russell Crowe assured that descended from Simon Fraserthe eleventh Lord Lovat and the last man to be beheaded in the UK, […]

Anouk Grinberg claims to have seen Gérard Depardieu attacking women

Anouk Grinberg claims to have seen Gérard Depardieu attacking women

Actress Anouk Grinberg testifies to Elle magazine and claims to have observed Gérard Depardieu committing multiple sexual, physical and verbal assaults in the past. Since the indictment against Gerard Depardieu French cinema remains silent about rape and sexual assault. Til today. In an interview with Elle magazine, published this Thursday, October 12, actress Anouk Grinberg […]

Overlapping of millions in claims between Coldplay and its former manager

Overlapping of millions in claims between Coldplay and its former manager

Intersection of million-dollar lawsuits between Coldplay and their former manager. The former are demanding 16 million euros from their former employee, who previously owed them 11.5 million euros. The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom is deciding this conflict between two parties who have been in a relationship for more than 20 years. Chris Martin’s […]

The narrator of the Harry Potter audio books claims an AI stole his voice

The narrator of the Harry Potter audio books claims an AI stole his voice

Updated Tuesday, September 19, 2023 – 08:43 The actor states that his AI-altered voice was used to narrate a documentary that he did not participate in Actor and narrator of the Harry Potter audio books Stephen Fry.METRPOLI The Artificial intelligence It continues to cause controversy in many areas of society, and one of the areas […]

NextGen zahlt 31 Millionen US-Dollar zur Beilegung der Vorwürfe des False Claims Act

NextGen zahlt 31 Millionen US-Dollar zur Beilegung der Vorwürfe des False Claims Act

NextGen Healthcare erklärte sich bereit, 31 Millionen US-Dollar zu zahlen, um Vorwürfe zu klären, dass der Entwickler von Software für elektronische Patientenakten neben anderen mutmaßlichen Verstößen gegen das False Claims Act auch Schmiergelder angeboten habe, um Benutzer anzulocken. Die Bundesregierung intervenierte in einer Whistleblower-Klage, die ursprünglich 2018 bei einem Bundesgericht in Vermont eingereicht wurde und […]