Water consumption of municipalities in Catalonia

Water consumption of municipalities in Catalonia

After months of warnings that the rainfall is not enough to maintain the current flow of water in the taps, the day has come when the population of the Ter Llobregat basin, about six million Catalans, will from now on have to face greater restrictions Reduce domestic consumption. The government plans to declare a pre-alarm […]

“The Bourbons brought splendor to Catalonia”

“The Bourbons brought splendor to Catalonia”

History repeats itself, and I am not referring to the distant days of three or four centuries ago. In times of political distress, the stories that have been squeezed down to the last drop become more compact; and in this case the juice comes from the tiresome independence clamor that brought with it a dark […]

“Nostalgia created little Catalonias wherever the exiles went”

“Nostalgia created little Catalonias wherever the exiles went”

All human feelings and emotions are concentrated in exile. Pain, fear, nostalgia, sadness… What motivates him to follow the trail of exiles around the world? We did an exhibition that went around the world and a documentary. So I interviewed many exiles and found that the children never showed up. I thought I had to […]

Is Catalonia unsafe? There were 453,000 crimes committed this year, 4% more than in 2019

Is Catalonia unsafe?  There were 453,000 crimes committed this year, 4% more than in 2019

Barcelona“The objective and subjective increase in insecurity in recent times requires us to address security policies.” The PSC units therefore justified the motion to call for a monographic debate on security in Parliament. He called for this at the beginning of October, when the riots in Manresa and Molins de Rei fully entered the political […]

In Catalonia we don’t know what we have

In Catalonia we don’t know what we have

A Norwegian, an American and two Catalans. It is no joke. It is the reality of women’s football today. Since 2018 France football Catalonia awarded the first Ballon d’Or to the best player in the world, taking three of the five possible awards. In the first edition it went to striker Ada Hegerberg, the following […]