Death of Belgian singer Jodie Devos at the age of 35

Death of Belgian singer Jodie Devos at the age of 35

Belgian soprano Jodie Devos during the 27th Victoires de la Musique Classique ceremony at the Arsenal in Metz, 21 February 2020. CHRISTOPH DE BARRY/- She enchanted our opera stages for barely ten years, and the future promised her a first-class career: Belgian soprano Jodie Devos died on Sunday, June 16, in Paris from the effects […]

Theater: “Who is afraid” by Aurore Fattier: a strong criticism of Belgian theater

Theater: “Who is afraid” by Aurore Fattier: a strong criticism of Belgian theater

Claire and Koen, a couple of old-school actors (one is Walloon and the other is Flemish), have been condemned for years to perform the same play: “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”, a standard piece of the popular repertoire with a couple of alcoholics and obscene intellectuals. Guest : Aurora Fattier, Director of the play Who […]

Fortnight of Belgian Humor: Julie Geller and Kostia

Fortnight of Belgian Humor: Julie Geller and Kostia

Who are the new talents of Belgian humor? The Belgian Humor Weeks will take place from November 29th to December 13th, 2023. With – Louis Heliot, Responsible for programming Center Wallonie Bruxelles in Paris. – Kostia, Belgian comedian. – Julie Geller, Belgian comedian. The Humor Week will take place from November 29th to December 13th, […]

The Belgian Wilson Fache was awarded in the written press category

The Belgian Wilson Fache was awarded in the written press category

It is a « Feather rare » and a talent for performance “Atmospheres” This is what the 85th Albert Londres Prize wanted to crown: the Belgian Wilson Fache won the most prestigious award in French-language journalism on Monday. Wilson Fache, a 31-year-old independent journalist, was selected for his reports on Afghanistan (published in French newspapers). […]

The Belgian author and director Jean-Philippe Toussaint

The Belgian author and director Jean-Philippe Toussaint

Passionate writer since childhood, Jean-Philippe Toussaint has just published two books: “The Chess Player” by Stefan Zweig, which he retranslated for his new version under the title “Chess”, and his first autobiographical story, which he called “The Chess Board “called. A story in 64 chapters, like the 64 squares on the board, in which he […]

Amid the controversy, rapper Médine left a Belgian festival

Amid the controversy, rapper Médine left a Belgian festival

The organizers of the Les Solidarités festival in Namur have announced that they have deprogrammed the Norman rapper « for the sake of peace ». Via IM with – Rapper Médine, who was accused of anti-Semitism after a tweet, has been deprogrammed from a Belgian festival. © Cedric JACQUOT / MAXPPP / PHOTOPQR/L’EST REPUBLICAIN/MAXPP Published […]

Amid the controversy, rapper Médine left a Belgian festival

Amid the controversy, rapper Médine left a Belgian festival

The organizers of the Les Solidarités festival in Namur have announced that they have deprogrammed the Norman rapper « for the sake of peace ». Via IM with – Rapper Médine, who was accused of anti-Semitism after a tweet, has been deprogrammed from a Belgian festival. © Cedric JACQUOT / MAXPPP / PHOTOPQR/L’EST REPUBLICAIN/MAXPP Published […]