Controversy following anti-Semitic statements at the Berlinale

Controversy following anti-Semitic statements at the Berlinale

The Berlin Film Festival is over. But the Berlinale is at the center of controversy after filmmakers made pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel statements during the closing ceremony. The German political class condemns statements that are considered anti-Semitic and one-sided. Reactions that once again illustrate the great sensitivity to these questions in Germany 80 years after the […]

Kanye West apologizes, one year after anti-Semitic comments – Libération

Kanye West apologizes, one year after anti-Semitic comments – Libération

The American rapper apologized to the Jewish community on Tuesday, December 26, for anti-Semitic comments made a year ago. For the Anti-Defamation League, a “welcome first act of contrition” that comes just days before the release of a new record. It must be the spirit of Christmas. Unless it’s the upcoming release of an album […]

Ken Loach: “There is a product of self-censorship out of fear that dictates that if you criticize Israel you are anti-Semitic.”

Ken Loach: “There is a product of self-censorship out of fear that dictates that if you criticize Israel you are anti-Semitic.”

Updated Friday, October 27, 2023 – 9:20 p.m The 87-year-old director presents “The Old Oak,” a film that aims to confront what remains of working-class solidarity with the new xenophobic fever of the far right. The film director Ken Loach, yesterday in Valladolid.GALLEGO NACHOEFE Ken Loach (Nuneaton, 1936) still there With everything that this supposedly […]

Rapper Médine defends himself after a message classified as anti-Semitic

Rapper Médine defends himself after a message classified as anti-Semitic

The rapper labeled Franco-Gambian Jewish artist and essayist Rachel Khan as “resKHANpée”. The singer had made it clear that he had “made no allusions to any origin or family history”. Amid a controversy surrounding his visit to the ecologists’ and rebels’ summer schools, rapper Médine defended himself on Friday against the anti-Semitic nature of a […]