Claudio Lippi, Fialdini’s racist slip: “But is he a primate?” – VIDEO

With us … free running, Claudio Lippi accused of racism. So the moderator addresses a black boy: “But isn’t he a primate?”

This past has been a pretty busy Sunday Ra1. As if they weren’t enough involuntary insults by Sgarbi towards his daughters and the malicious question from Mara Venier to Pupo who froze Domenica In’s studio thought about it Claudius Lippi to fill up the dose. The former presenter was among the guests of With us.. Freewheel along with his daughter Federica on the occasion of Father’s Day. Lippi actually became the protagonist of a curtain that caused a certain outrage on the net because of its racist solutions.

Claudio Lippi on a black boy: “But is he Italian? So not primacy”

Claudius Lippi during the interview of Francesca Fialdini She noticed a black boy in the audience and wanted to ask him about his thick hair. The question was then followed by a very unhappy expression on his face: “But he’s fantastic, is he Italian? Ah, half Brazilian? For this reason. But always in the human act, that means he is a human, he is not a primate.” . Fialdini is sure to repeat the incident, but the controversy broke out like a wave on social media. Unfortunately, Lippi then slipped into a second slip when discussing the difference between motherhood and fatherhood: “Why was I born a man? I’ve always wondered. At least I was born Malgioglio! But nothing, not even that.”

Curiously, in an interview with La Repubblica a few days ago, the moderator asked himself why he no longer works in television. It was he himself who responded with his comments on the condemnation.

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